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Four questions 2000-03-17
Ibrahim Bin kasmin pose la question :
  1. What is a hexahedron?(please show a picture of a hexahedron).
  2. How do we make a cube out of three pyramids?(show me the picture).
  3. How do we find the approximate perimeter and area of a hibiscus leaf?
  4. What is a Pascal triangle?

Penny Nom lui répond.
The Kennedy Pep Club 2000-03-17
David Grimmer pose la question :
The Kennedy Pep Club rented a bus to take all of its members to a baseball game. The cost per person was to be $18.00. However, those making the trip had to pay $24.00 each because 10 members cancelled at the last minute. How many pep club members took the bus to the game?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Completing a sequence 2000-03-17
David Grimmer pose la question :
Complete the following sequence so that, after the first two terms, each successive term is the average of all the preceding terms.

20__ __ 28 __ __

Penny Nom lui répond.
1000 percent 2000-03-17
Matt Stevenson pose la question :
If one invests $4000.00 and makes 1000% on the investment would he/she have $40,000.00?
Could one figure this by: $4000.00 * 10.0 = $40,000.00?
So is 10 times a number the same as 1000%?

Would 100 times a number be the same as 10,000%?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Division 2000-03-16
Charday pose la question :
What is the easiest way to calculate the least number that can be divided evenly by all the numbers from 1 to 10.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Induction 2000-03-16
William Tsang pose la question :
I am trying to prove a induction question

Sigam r=1 n (2r -1)cube = n square (2 n square - 1)

Harley Weston lui répond.
Functions that satisfy f' = f 2000-03-16
Kevin Palmer pose la question :
Recently my calculus teacher asked his students to try and find any functions whose derivatives where the exact same as the original function.

The only function then I have determined that statement to be accurate in is all the natural exponential functions. Ex. f(x) = ex, f'(x) = ex

If possible could you please email me all the functions that you can find in which the original function and its derivative is identical.

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Putting in a pool 2000-03-16
Katie pose la question :
If your digging a hole for a pool and the pool is:

Length= 11m
Width= 6m
Sallow Depth= 1.1m graduating to
'Deep' Depth= 1.8m

What is the volume of soil that will be taken out? And if a bobcat can excavate and remove 10m3 (qubed) of soil an hour how long will it take him to excavate the soil.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Geometrical solids 2000-03-15
Sarah pose la question :
  1. What geometrical solid has 8 edges and 5 vertices?
  2. What geometrical solid has 12 edges that are all the same length?

Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Rationals, irrationals and integers 2000-03-14
Erin McKeon pose la question :
Why does the letter J represent the set of integers, the letter Q represent a set of rational numbers and the letter P represent a set of irrational numbers? What do each of these letters stand for?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Eligibility in a contest 2000-03-14
Ken Rabley pose la question :
Hi, hoping you can help. Dispute among co-workers. Tell me, what is the correct answer to the following question:
-1936 + (2406/4812) x (4756 - 3256) + 1250

Seems this is the question for eligibility in a contest...We have come up with various solutions, all which may be correct.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Characteristic of a logarithm 2000-03-14
Andrew Strauss pose la question :
What is the characteristic of log base 18 of 1980 ?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Two problems 2000-03-14
Teresa Bostic pose la question :
  1. A man's age at death was 1/29 of the year of his birth. How old was he in 1949?
  2. At a contest, 2 persons were asked their ages. Then to test their ability mathematically, they were asked to give the ages together. One gave 44 and the other gave 1280. The first had subtracted one age from another, and the second had multiplied the two together. What were their ages?

Penny Nom lui répond.
An integer max-min problem 2000-03-13
Paul Servic pose la question :
Maximize Q = xy 2 where x and y are positive integers such that x + y 2 = 4
Penny Nom lui répond.
A trogonometry problem 2000-03-12
A student pose la question :
Find all values of X in the interval 0 degrees <= x < 360 degrees that satisfy the equation 2sin x - cos 2x = 0.
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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