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Find the 3D angle 2000-11-18
Jacky pose la question :
Included is the diagram. I am trying to find out the angle of ABC. Is it possible? How?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Inscribing a circle in a rhombus 2000-11-16
Jacky pose la question :
A rhombus ABCD is drawn in which the diagonals are 12 and 20 units long. A circle is inscribed in the quadrilateral with the centre of the circle right on the intersection point of the 2 diagonals. The circumference of the circle touches all 4 sides of the rhombus. Is it possible to find the radius of the inscribed circle? If so, how and what is it?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Expanding a garden 2000-11-16
Janeth Rojas pose la question :
Mr Jones's garden has an area of 21 squares meters. He wants to increase its size by 1/2. Draw a picture to show what his new garden might look like. Be sure to give the new area and demensions, and show your reasoning.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Volume of a box 2000-11-15
A student pose la question :
A box 3" wide and 2" deep is to have a volume of 2 cubic feet. How long must the box be?

How many pieces of lumber are stacked in a pile 2" high if each board is 3/8" thick?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Dividing with decimals 2000-11-15
Alex pose la question :
I teach math and my class and I were discussing the dividing of decimals. I explained that if there is a decimal in the divisor, it needs to be moved and so does the decimal in the dividend. My question is why is it necessary to move the decimal point in the divisor before dividing?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Domain of a function 2000-11-15
Mickey pose la question :
state any restrictions on the domain of the function.

y = 5x - 12 over 27x + 6 x does not equal what________?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Henri Leon Lebesgue 2000-11-14
Mandy pose la question :
I have a report that I have to do on Henri Leon Lebesgue for my Foundations of College Math class. I have searched for him on erols, google, yahoo and a few other search sites and I have only come up with one page that offered some information. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about him, or a web page that I could get some info.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Solving an equation 2000-11-14
Heather pose la question :
4x-3 = 3x+4 these kinds of problems i dont get but everything else in my math class i have got. i just dont understand it.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Five digit palindromes 2000-11-12
Jacky pose la question :
Positive integers such as 1287821 and 4554, in which the number is unchanged when the digits are reversed, are called palindromes. The number of five-digit integers larger than or equal to 10,000 which are not palindromes is... a. 10 000 b. 81 000 c. 89100 d. 90 000 e. 99 100
Penny Mom lui répond.
Static electricity on an airplane 2000-11-12
John pose la question :
What discharges an airplane of static electricity in a electric storm when it is flying. I assume the charge is on the out side of the plane but when does it get discharged, or does it occur at landing?
Ted Mathie lui répond.
Euler's Formula 2000-11-11
Denise Roberts pose la question :
I'm trying to design a unit (possibly involving a Webquest) on Polyhedra and I cannot find a formula I once used. The formula involved the number of vertices (V), edges (E), and faces (F) of the polyhedra.
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
The magnitude of a complex number 2000-11-11
Jeremy pose la question :
Recently, we started studying how to graph complex numbers. Our math teacher said to use what would normally be the x-axis as the real-axis and to use the y-axis as the imaginary-axis. However, when he started talking about how to calculate magnitude, that's when I became confused. For instance...
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Infinite Geometric Series 2000-11-10
Sam Carter pose la question :
I ran into a problem when studying how to find the sum of an infinite geometric series. My math book attempts to explain the concept by giving formulas involving sigma and |r|, but it does not really explain how to go about finding the sum of an infinite geometric series. If you could either help me with this or point me in the direction of an informative website that could help me, I'd appreciate it.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Rhombuses 2000-11-07
Melissa pose la question :
What in real life is the shape of a rhombus?
Chris Fisher and Walter Whiteley lui répond.
How big is a trillion? 2000-11-07
A teacher pose la question :
How can you explain how much a trillion is to a 5th grade class?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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