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Part of a part 2001-02-11
Katie pose la question :
Hello! I was looking at your Fraction questions and since i am pursuing to be an elementry school teacher i feel i don't understand one of your responses. How would you explain this to an elem, midd, and high school student. Even me myself-in college really does not understand. The question was: When you multiply two positive fractions less than 1, how does the answer compare to the size of the fraction? Why?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A merchant from Pisa 2001-02-11
A student pose la question :
A merchand doing business is Lucca doubled his money there and spent 12 denarii. On leaving, he went to Florence, where he also doubled his mone and spent 12 denarii. Returning home to Pisa, he there doubled his money and again spent 12 denarii, nothing remaining. How much did he have in the beginning?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Chris' cards 2001-02-11
A student pose la question :
Chris gave Jane x cards. He gave Bety one card more than he gave Jane and he gave Paul two cards fewer than he gave Betty. In terms of x, how many cards did Chris give Bety, Jane, and Paul together?
Penny Nom lui répond.
percent 2001-02-11
A student pose la question :
what is 1.5% of 20386.01?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Multiplying one and two digit numbers 2001-02-11
Marty pose la question :
When multiplying do you put the number you are multiplying by on the top or the bottom. Example if you are multiplying by 6's would you write the problem 6
x 2
or 2
x 6
Maybe it just doesn't matter. But when you get to double digits, the double digit always goes on the top?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Lucky dip 2001-02-09
Andrew pose la question :
I buy 8 lucky dip (random number) panels, each panel has 6 numbers chosen at random from 49. I never seem to cover more than 32 different numbers on average, over the total 48 numbers chosen, which seems low? How can I calculate the probability of 32 different numbers or 33 diferent numbers?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
A dog and a rabbit 2001-02-09
Josh pose la question :

1. A dog and a rabbit are 160 meters a part for every 9 meters that the dog runs , the rabbit jumps 7 meters. How many meters must the dog run in order to vertake the rabbit???

2. A cars odometer reads 15951 KM. Find the least number of kilomaters to travel until the palindromic number appears???

Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
What is wrong with these probelms? 2001-02-09
Cindy pose la question :
Hi, I am a planning on becomming a teacher and i am asked to find out what is wrong with these probelms and how i would go about showing a student what is wrong with them!!

Error in patterns:
13/35=1/5; 27/73=2/3; 16/64=1/4

4/5+2/3=6/8; 2/5+3/4=5/9; 7/8+1/3=8/11

2/3*3=6/9; 1/4*6=6/24; 4/5*2=8/10

Leeanne Boehm and Penny Nom lui répond.
The odds of winning 2001-02-09
Anna pose la question :
The odds of winning in a game are 3 out of 10. How many times would one have to play the game in order to be sure they would win?
Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
Kinds of lines 2001-02-09
Robyn pose la question :
What are the different kinds/types of lines?
Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
An irregular polygon 2001-02-09
Jason pose la question :
I have a 5 sided irregular polygon I am trying to figure out the area of. There are no right angles in the polygon as far as I can tell. I do not know any angles.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Partitioning of an arbitrary line segment 2001-02-08
David pose la question :
Did Euclid's Geometry include a construction for the regular partitioning of an arbitrary line segment?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Bicycles and phone calls 2001-02-08
Sarah pose la question :
  1. A bicycle has a diameter of 66 centimeters. How many times must the tire rotate to travel 1 kilometer?explain answer.

  2. Becky want to make a long distance call to her friend Sarah from a pay telephone.She has $5.00 in change.The call costs $0.90 for the first three minutes and $0.24 for each additional minute.How long can Becky talk to Sarah?

Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
Buckets of golf balls 2001-02-08
A student pose la question :
A bucket containing 40 golf balls weighs 135 ounces. The same bucket with 20 golf balls weighs 75 ounces. What is the weight of the bucket?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Find an exprression for f(x) 2001-02-07
A 12th grade AP Calc student pose la question :
Let f be the function defined for all x > -5 and having the following properties. Find an expression for f(x).

i) f ''(x) = 1/ (x+5)1/3 for all x in the domain of f

ii) the line tangent to the graph of f at (4,2) has an angle of inclination of 45 degress.

Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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