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An angle i a triangle 2020-05-16
Ogunjobi pose la question :
Two goal post are 8m apart a footballer is 34 m from one post and 38m from the other within what angle must he kick the ball if he is to score
Penny Nom lui répond.
Running in opposite directions around a circular track 2020-05-11
Alessandra pose la question :
2. Alan and Brian are two runners. Alan runs at 6.6 m/s and Brian runs at 8.4 m/s. They start from the same place on a circular 400 m track and run in opposite directions round and round the track.
(a) How far has Brian run when they pass each other for the first time?
(b) After they pass each other for the second time, how much further does Brian need to run in order to complete two laps (800 m)?

Penny Nom lui répond.
How long will it take to dig the trench? 2020-05-06
Marielena pose la question :
If the production rate for hand digging a trench is 1.2 mh/cy, how long would it take for one man to dig a trench 2 feet deep by 1 foot wide by 216 feet long?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three numbers have a sum of 45 2020-05-06
Jayden pose la question :
Three numbers have a sum of 45. The greatest of the 3 numbers is 2 greater than the least number. What are the numbers? *
Penny Nom lui répond.
The flight of a football 2020-05-06
Michael pose la question :
Football is thrown from a 10-yard line. It reaches its highest height of 20 yards. It lands on the 50-yard line after 2 seconds. What is the equation of the parabola that models this throw? I really need help as I've been on this for the longest amount of time.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Signs at 1/3 mile intervals 2020-05-03
Heather pose la question :
The butterfly garden in St. Thomas gardens is a three mile loop at every 1/3 there is a sign along the loop to mark each 3rd of a mile along the loop if Melanie is standing next to the 7th sign at what mile is she?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a stone 2020-05-02
KHOSI pose la question :
A rectangular container is 9cm wide,17cm long and contains water to a depth of 11cm. A stone is placed in the water and the water rises 2,2cm .Find the volume of the stone
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume under an an uneven surface 2020-05-01
Solon pose la question :
I am trying to fill an area of floor which has an uneven surface. I need to know the volume of fill. If you imagine a rectangular room (4 corners) that measures 189 inches by 240 inches and the depth at each corner is different.
Let us say corner #1 has a depth of 1", corner #2 has a depth of 0", corner #3 has a depth of 2" and corner #4 has a depth of 4".
How would i find the volume of said floor area?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Harley Weston lui répond.
Adding a service charge and the VAT 2020-04-30
richard pose la question :
was given a figure by a client been performance bonus of staff , the figure is 806,698.35 from this 806,698.35 is my company service charge of 10% and 5% of the service charge will be Vat to government in summary from 806,698.35 is 10% of service charge and 5% of service charge is the VAT
Penny Nom lui répond.
A system of equations. 2020-04-27
solomon pose la question :
xy + x =28
x + y +4

Penny Nom lui répond.
Power notation 2020-04-26
Aditi pose la question :
The power notation of -1 / 128
Penny Nom lui répond.
The width of a rectangle of land 2020-04-26
Teresa pose la question :
If a rectangle shape piece of land is 813 feet long. How many feet width would be 2 acres?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many boxes will fit in a closet? 2020-04-24
Jordan pose la question :
Janelle has some boxes that are 43cm long, 23cm wide and 18cm tall. She wants to store them in a closet in her basement that is 2.2m tall, 1.1m wide, and 0.8m deep. What is the maximum number of boxes that Janelle can possibly fit in the closet?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Building a house in one year 2020-04-22
Fify pose la question :
If it takes 8 men to build a house in 450 days. How many men would it take to build the house in 365 days? Is there a specific method to calculate this please?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Four digit numbers starting with 6 2020-04-22
Judy pose la question :
I need to generate a list of 4 digit numbers using 0-9 where the first digit is 6 and no numbers can be repeated
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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