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Percents 2001-04-04
Cathy pose la question :
This isvery embarassing but since math and specifically percentages was my worst subject in school here goes. If I have a figure such as 425 and that amount represents 10% of the total amount how do I find out what the total amount is?
Penny Nom lui répond.
f(x), f(x) + 2, f(x +2) 2001-04-04
Monica pose la question :
Could you explain to me how one should go about graphing functions such as f(x), f(x+2), and so on. Also, how should you explain things such as constants and relationships among functions?
Penny Nom lui répond.
128 percent too high 2001-04-04
A student pose la question :
when pilgrims counted noses, they got a count that was 128 percent too high. if they counted 9120 noses, what was the correct count?
Claude tardif lui répond.
preuve par 9 2001-04-04
Michel pose la question :
Pourriez-vous m'expliquer en détail comment fonctionne la preuve par 9 (pour une division et une multiplication). Je sais l'appliquer mais je ne sais pas pourquoi ça marche. Je ne retrouve pas la démonstration. Merci de m'aider. Exemple . 17x2=34 ; preuve par neuf : 1+7=8 ; 8x2= 16 ; 1+6=7 et 3+4=7, on peut donc supposer (sans affirmer) que cette multiplication a un résultat juste car la preuve par 9 est bonne, 7=7. Comment fonctionne cette preuve par 9???
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Two integrals 2001-04-03
Jim pose la question :
I'm having trouble with these integrals. Can you help me out?

1)the integral of:

x5 arctan x dx

2)the integral of:

2x5 + 9x4 + 19x3 + 13x2 - 5x - 25
----------------------------------------------- dx
x4 + 4x3 + 5x2

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Approximating 260 divided by 3 2001-04-02
Andrew pose la question :
Choose the letter of the best estimate.

260 divided by 3

a. 60
b. 70
c. 90
d. 100

Paul Betts lui répond.
(8 + 5)5 = (y + 4)4 2001-04-01
Kelley pose la question :
(8 + 5)5 = (y + 4)4
What is the value of y?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Sigma 2001-03-31
A student pose la question :
What does the Sigma symbol mean in mathematics?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Volume and surface area of a cylinder and a triangular prism 2001-03-31
Kevin pose la question :
I was wondering how do you find the volume and surface area of a cylinder and a triangular prism.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Why K? 2001-03-30
Molly pose la question :
I was wondering why K is used as the dilation constant for transformation geometry?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Dots on squared paper 2001-03-30
Tom pose la question :
Consider some squared paper with lines 1cm. apart and dots where the lines cross. Place squares whose sides are whole numbers of centimetres on the paper in such a way that the sides of the squares always lie along the lines on the paper. For each square, find (a)the number of points inside the squares; (b)the number of points on the square and (c)the area of the square. How are these quantities related?
Leeanne Boehm and Penny Nom lui répond.
Borrowing from zero 2001-03-30
Nikki pose la question :
Here is the problem:

- 866.20

Now I know this equals 4,167.36 which I figured out on the calculator just to make sure. But when I did it by hand, I kept ending up with 5,167.36, which I knew was impossible. What am I doing wrong??

Leeanne Boehm and Claude Tardif lui répond.
Stem-and-leaf plot 2001-03-29
Kelly pose la question :
I'm tutoring my 5th grade nephew, and he needs to correct test questions regarding a stem - and - leaf plot. He left his book at school and I'm not familiar with the term. Can you explain it to me so that I can help him?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An emergency response station 2001-03-29
Tara pose la question :
Three cities lying on a straight line want to jointly build an emergency response station. The distance between each town and the station should be as short as possible, so it cannot be built on the line itself, but somewhere east or west. Also, the larger the population of a city, the greater the need to place the station closer to that city. You are to minimize the overall sum of the products of the populations of each city and the square of the distance between that city and the facility. City A is 6 miles from the road's origin, City B is 19 miles away from the origin, and City C is 47 miles from the origin. The populations are 18,000 for City A, 13,000 for City B, and 11,000 for City C. Where should the station be located?
Claude Tardif and Penny Nom lui répond.
Cash advance 2001-03-28
A student pose la question :
dulani has a new credit card. it says: you can get cash advances wherever you are. whenever you want. also if you pay off your balance in full each month for a small transaction fee, the cash is interest free. (see important information on reverse side. On reverese side it says:

cash advance transaction fee:

$500 or less 2.5%;
$500.01 to $1000.00-2%;
$1000.01 or more -1.5%;
$2.00 minumum.

Annual percentage rater for cash advances 19.8%.
dulani wants to know what a cash advance will really cost. Analyze the cash advance terms given here. how much would he pay for a $20 cash advance? What about a $450 cash advance? What annual interest rate are these charges equivalent to? choose other amounts. determine cost and annual ratees for these as well. make recommendations to dulani.

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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