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Julia goes to work 2001-09-25
Karyna pose la question :
On one October morning, Julia rides her bike (at 12 miles per hour) from her home to her friend Ida's house; then the two of them walk (at 6 miles per hour) to work. If it takes an hour for Julia to go the 10 miles from her home to work, how far does she walk?
Penny Nom lui répond.
GCD and LCM 2001-09-24
David pose la question :
Find the GCD adn LCM of the following numbers. Assume p 2 to the power p, 3 to power q, 5 to power r


2 to power q, 3 to power r, 7 to power p

Penny Nom lui répond.
Four sequences 2001-09-24
Nicole pose la question :
I have a few questions I couldn't figure it out. So any help will be great to find the next three numbers or letters. Here's the patters...

  2. 50, 33, 25, 20, 16, 14, 12,...

  3. 1777, 1795, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1822, 1836, 1837..

  4. A,H,I,M,O,T,...

Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond.
What are the two numbers? 2001-09-24
A student pose la question :
What are the two numbers.
  1. the sum of two numbers is 15. 6 times the smaller number is 4 times the larger number .find the two numbers.
  2. the sum of the two numbers is 28. 2 times the larger number is 5 times the smaller number minus 7. find the two numbers.

Claude Tardif lui répond.
David's wages 2001-09-24
Kimberlee pose la question :
My math question is David earns $6.00 per hour plus $9.00 for every extra hour he works over 40 hours per week. If David earned $285.00 last week, how many extra hours did he work?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An acute scalene triangle 2001-09-24
Kim pose la question :
Hi- I'm on a mission--I'm suppose to have a group of children write up a hypotheses about the altitudes and angle biscetors of the follwing 3 types of triangle--equilateral, isosceles and acute scalene triangle.

Is there such a thing as a acute scalene triangle and why or why not.

Chris Fisher lui répond.
How much grass to mow? 2001-09-23
Jessica pose la question :

  1. The track and field area is 900 x 500 feet, including track and stands.
  2. The grass is mowed twice a week.
  3. 5,200 square feet of the sports area is not grass.

Problem: How many square feet of grass are mowed each week?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Ciefficient of variation 2001-09-23
Carmen pose la question :
I have a question from my OAC finite class. I've come across a problem with the coefficient of variation. I have taught my students that there are no units for coefficient of variation and it can be expressed as a percent. So, for example, a set of data with mean of 5 and standard deviation of 100 would have a CV of 5%. But what happens in this situation: the mean is 4meters and the standard deviation is 0.7mm. Is the CV 1.75% or 0.00175% or 0.0175%? I've had some students change leave the units as is, change them both to mm or change them both to meters...so which is it and why?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Solving trig equations 2001-09-22
Asad pose la question :
Can you please explain to me how to solve trig Equations,e.g sin(x)=x4+12/2+cos(x)=x6+9/3= (if this can be solved)
Claude Tardif lui répond.
What percent of the sports drink was drunk by the women? 2001-09-22
Rachel pose la question :
  1. The male track and field athletes drank 153 gallons of sports drink at the meet.
  2. the track and field athletes drank 255 gallons of sports drink.
  3. The women track and field athletes drank 102 gallons.

problem: What percent of the sports was drunk by the women?

Penny Nom lui répond.
4 digit combinations 2001-09-22
Laura pose la question :
I need all of the 4 digit combinations using the numbers 0-9.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Standard deviation 2001-09-22
Doug pose la question :
I was wondering if anybody knows who the founder of standard deviation was?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An egg shaped island 2001-09-22
Karen pose la question :
I am a civil engineering designer trying to design an egg shaped island. I want a 30' radius at the top and a 40' radius at the bottom and the longest length of the egg to be 125'. Is there standard geometry for an egg shape? I am not held to exact radii or the length given.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Milliters and grams 2001-09-20
Betty-jo pose la question :
500 ml is what in grams
Pnny Nom lui répond.
The square root of 20 2001-09-18
Dianna pose la question :
How do you simplify a square root? My daughter tells me that the square root of 20 simplified is 5root4
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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