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Simultaneous equations 2001-12-17
Matthew pose la question :
4x + y = 4
2x - 3y = 5

what is x and y

Penny Nom lui répond.
Making toys 2001-12-17
Karen pose la question :
Jonathan and Morgan are two of Santa's elves. Jonathan can make a toy in eleven hours. Morgan can make the same toy in nine hours. How long it take for both Jonathan and Morgan to make the toy if they were working together?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Composition of functions 2001-12-16
Paula pose la question :
  1. if f(x)= 3x-1 and g(x)= 1/2x + 3 find fog(2)

  2. find the values of x for which tanx=0

Penny Nom lui répond.
A 1 m by 1 m square box in the xy-plane 2001-12-15
Murray pose la question :
Inside a 1 m by 1 m square box in the xy-plane, there are finitely many line segments, whose lengths sum to exactly 10 m. Show that there exists a straight line in the plane which crosses at least six of these line segments. (Hint: first, show that there exists a straight line in the plane which crosses at least five of these line segments.)
Claude Tardif lui répond.
A right-angled triangle 2001-12-13
Pamela, Jeff, Kayleigh and Jacob pose la question :
A right-angled triangle has one side that is 8 cm shorter that the hypotenuse. The other side is 1 cm shorter than the hypotenuse. Find the length of the sides.
Penny nom lui répond.
Algabra 2001-12-13
Stephanie pose la question :
My name is Stephanie. My grade 7 class is doing some strange form of algebra which I've never done nor seen before. We are doing equations like these: 3y - 6 + 7 - 4y = 6y - 6. I don't really understand them and was wondering if you could help me do my homework and explain how to at the same time. It would be really great if you could!!!!! Thank you so much! -Stephanie
  1. -9x - 5 - 8 + x = ?

  2. 5 + 6x - 3y + x + 8y = ?

  3. -x - 3 + 5x + 6y + 8x - 9= ?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Reduce 79,537/3,623,420 2001-12-13
Eliana pose la question :
How do you reduce 79,537/3,623,420.
Claude Tardif lui répond.
A 7% increase 2001-12-12
Lorraine pose la question :
how do you calculate an old salary if the only information you have is current salary and the percentage increase received. For example if I make $15.86 an hour and I received a 7% increase, how much did I used to make?
Penny Nom lui répond.
For 7 the multiplicand is 143 2001-12-12
Cory pose la question :
For 7 the multiplicand is 143

I am asked to solve this, if you could help me it would be greatly appreciated!

Penny Nom lui répond.
A quadrilateral with 0 sets of parallel sides 2001-12-12
Jess pose la question :
Ok well for quadrilaterals a parallelogram is a 4 sided figure with 2 sets of parallel sides and a trapezoid is a 4 sided figure with 1 set of parallel sides.

So is there a name for a quadrilateral with 0 sets of parallel side?

Chris Fisher lui répond.
Painting walls 2001-12-12
Rizwan pose la question :
3 sixth graders painted 4 walls in 3.5hrs. At that rate, how many walls would they paint in 7 hrs.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Recalling the basic facts 2001-12-12
A parent pose la question :
My son is in 4th grade and is a very bright student. He is in the gifted program and makes straight A's on his report card and has through out school so far. My question is how can I teach him to memorize his basic math facts? He does well in math, but when he is placed in a times situation for completing math fact sheets he freezes up. He can not recall the basic facts when questioned at any other time either. He will calculate the answer in his head, like 6 + 3, but he can't just come out with the answer quickly. How can I help him?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Division symbol 2001-12-12
Amanda pose la question :
What is the name of the symbole used in a long divison problem that seperates the two factors? It looks like a little house.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Exponential form 2001-12-11
Crystal pose la question :
Hi, I am asking a question on behalf of a homeschooling grade 11 student. She is having trouble with changing something like (3-4)2 into a exponential form.

First of all she needs to know what the term means "exponential form" and then the process of it.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Fraction rationnelle 2001-12-11
Audrey pose la question :
réduire en une seule fraction et simplifier.

(4-2x+x2)/(2+x) - (x+2)

Claude Tardif lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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