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Children and probability 2002-01-16
Bill pose la question :
If a family has four children, what is the probability that all 4 are the same sex?
Vanrei Volodin lui répond.
Negative exponents 2002-01-16
Julie pose la question :
If z to the power of -4= 1/z4 then how would you solve 1/t-2?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Linear regression 2002-01-16
Murray pose la question :
If you have a set of coordinates (x[1],y[1]),(x[2],y[2]),...,(x[n],y[n]),find the value of m and b for which SIGMA[from 1 to m=n]AbsoluteValue(y[m]-m*x[m]-b) is at its absolute minimum.
Harley Weston lui répond.
50% 2002-01-15
Lakarrieh pose la question :
4 is 50% of what number?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is a group of three numbers called in a large number? 2002-01-15
Laurie pose la question :
What is a group of three numbers called in a large number?

My son has this question on his 4th grade worksheet. I've taught middle school math for 7 years and nver heard of it.

Paul Betts lui répond.
8% tax 2002-01-15
A student pose la question :
total price including tax is $13359.60
8% tax was paid
What is the dollar amount of tax paid?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Algebra review questions 2002-01-14
A student pose la question :
  1. A wildebeast was observed racing a distance of 86.4m in 4.8 seconds. Find the speed of the wildebeast in m/s.

  2. 8x - 7 - 5x = 23

  3. 7 z - 3 (z + 2) = 26

Penny Nom lui répond.
Adding vectors 2002-01-12
Lena pose la question :
how do you add vectors together?
If you are given the length and angles of both vectors and are asked to add/subtract them, how do you do it? I know you are supposed to do the head to tail method, but whenever i try it i get the wrong answer. I need help setting it up.

example: A is 2.7cm, and 60 degrees, B is 1.6cm and 135 degrees, find the magnitude and amplitude

Penny Nom lui répond.
The tangent function 2002-01-12
Justine pose la question :
if you know that sin45degress = cos45degrees, how do you know that tan45degrees = 1?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The famous "train problem" 2002-01-12
Karen pose la question :
How do you solve the famous "train problem"? For example, 2 trains leave different stations at the same time. One is traveling at 50 mph and the other at 40 mph. How long does it take them to meet?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Papy's Computer 2002-01-11
Mary-Anne pose la question :
My second-grade son brought home a fun math worksheet which involved calculating sums using "Papy's Computer." I had never heard of this before and found it to be quite interesting. Each digit in a decimal number is represented by a 2x2 grid. Each grid square corresponds to one of the numbers 1,2,4, or 8.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Why do integers have the symbol of Z? 2002-01-11
Stephanie pose la question :
Why do integers have the symbol of Z? Natural numbers have the symbol of N, whole numbers have the symbol of W. Our professor has asked us to find out why the letter Z is represented for integers.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A sequence of number pairs 2002-01-10
Terry pose la question :
Three is the first number of a pair, and 8 is the second.

a. If 50 is the first number, what is the second number?
b. If 200 is the first number, what is the second number?
c. If 89 is the second number, what is the first number?
d. If a number n is the first number, what is the second number?


Peny Nom lui répond.
Glasses of wine 2002-01-10
A student pose la question :

6 glasses of regular wine (12% alcohol) would equal aprox.? glasses of wine (8% alcohol)


Peny Nom lui répond.
A simplification problem 2002-01-10
A Parent pose la question :

(A / B) . (C / D)
A = Y squared + 3 . Y cubed
B = Y squared + 4
C = 2 . Y + Y squared
D = Y + 4 Y squared + 3 Y cubed

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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