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The Proof in the Pudding 2002-04-09
A student pose la question :
The host at a party turned to a guest and said, "I have three daughters and I will tell you how old they are. The product of their ages is 72. The sum of their ages is my house number. How old is each?" The guest rushed to the door, looked at the house number, and informed the host that he needed more information. The host then added, "The oldest likes strawberry pudding." The guest then announced the ages of the three girls. What are the ages of the three daughters?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Sodding the yard 2002-04-08
Craig pose la question :
my parents want to lay sod in our back yard.

the sod cost $2.00 per square foot.

The size of our yard is 20x20 and 26x41

Penny Nom lui répond.
Area of a triangle 2002-04-07
Puzzled pose la question :
What is the surface area of a triangle 13 ft x 13 ft x 18 ft?
Penny Nom lui répond.
3/4n-6=12 2002-04-07
Diane pose la question :
I am in 6th grade advanced math and I just started Algebra. My teacher tries to explain it to me but I just can't get it. I am having difficulty understanding it. Please HELP!!! I will type a problem, if you could answer it and show your work so i can understand it that

would be great. Please explain in simple terms.

here is a couple problems I am having trouble with,



Penny Nom lui répond.
Composition of functions 2002-04-06
Yvonne pose la question :
In our new text book, the following question occurs: State the domain and range of g(f(x))given that f(x) = -x2 - 4 and g(x) = sqrt(x)

The range of f(x), x<=-4, is the domain of g(x). BUT, there is no solution in the Real numbers for g(f(x))= sqrt(-x2 - 4).

In the solutions it says that this is not a function and therefore does not have a domain or range. Is it a relation? Is it anything?

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Pairs of equations 2002-04-04
A student pose la question :

high school level
student is asking

y=4x x=-4y 
x+y=5 3x+2y=20   

y=x-1 3x-y=4 
x+y=3 2x-3y=-9   


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Penny Nom lui répond.
Two triangles 2002-04-03
Scott pose la question :
Consider 2 triangles: Triangle PMB and Triangle PLA.

Triangle PLA is contained within Triangle PMB.

Side LA is parallel to Side MB.

Point L is located on Side PM. Point A is located on Side PB.

If the ratio PL:LM = 5, then what is PB:PA ??

harley Weston lui répond.
Take It! 2002-04-03
Bryan pose la question :
You are playing Take It! for $180,00 with a total stranger. There are 180 identical balls in a big vase. Each player in his turn, reaches into the vase and pulls out 1,5,or8 balls. These balls are discarded. The player who takes the last ball from the vase wins the $180,000. A flip of the coin determines that you will go first. Are you glad? How many will you take out on the first move, and how will you proceed to win the prize?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Common fractions to decimal fractions 2002-04-02
Natalie pose la question :
My questions are: "how can I change 23/60 into a decimal. and give my answer to 2dp."??????????

2nd question:for each of these pairs, which is bigger?

4/7 or 36%____________
3/11or 0.29____________
14/24 or 0.57___________

Penny Nom lui répond.
Pascal's Triangle 2002-04-02
Brian pose la question :
It's about (a+b)x. I remember there a triangle with numbers to remember for a faster solution. Can you please teach me?
Penny Nom lui répond.
If you conect all the vertices of a regular n-gon... 2002-04-01
Murray pose la question :
If you conect all the vertices of a regular n-gon with lines you will have (n-3)(n/2) lines inside the polygon. I want to find out how many sections these lines divide the polygon into and how many intersections they have with each other.
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Area of an octagon 2002-04-01
Someone pose la question :
What is the actual square footage of a 12' octagon?
Penny Nom lui répond.
All four eights in three consecutive hands 2002-04-01
Blair pose la question :
What are the odds against the same person holding all four eights in three consecutive hands.
Brian Alspach lui répond.
Meg's biscuits 2002-03-29
Tami pose la question :
Meg's biscuits recipe calls for 4 cups of flour for every 1.5 cups of milk. If Meg uses 6 cups of flour, how many cups of milk will she need?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The reciprocal of a decimal mixed number 2002-03-29
A student pose la question :
How do I find the reciprocal of a decimal mixed number?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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