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An identity(?) 2002-05-02
A student pose la question :
prove identity sin 2x/1-sinx= secx+1/secx

Paul Betts lui répond.
8/13*26/27 2002-05-01
Arias pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
Square numbers 2002-05-01
Sally pose la question :
Is one considered a square number?
Penny Nom lui répond.
oneths 2002-04-30
Logan pose la question :
why are there tens-tenths hundreds-hudreths, but not oneths

if that made no sense then how about this why does everything have two ways of saying things like tens and tenths but not a oneths

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Factor 12x^2 - 20x - 8 2002-04-30
Crystal pose la question :
Factor Completely: 12x2 - 20x - 8
Penny Nom lui répond.
The Dugout, Don's Basement, Cd Corner,... 2002-04-30
A student pose la question :
The Dugout, Don's Basement, Cd Corner, Harry's Deli, Bill's Software, Anne's Footwear, and Joanne's House cleaning.

The gift certificates are each in multiples of $5. There is a $100 range in the value of the gift certificates, which start at $25. The mean value of all seven gift certificates is $80, and the median and mode are both $70.

The certificate from The Dugout is worth the most and the one from Joanne House cleaning is worth the least.

The total value of the gift certificates from CD Corner, Harry's Deli, and Anne's Footwear is $270, but Anne's Footwear certificate is worth $50 more than the one from Harry's Deli. The Cd Corner gift certificate is equivalent to the mean for this group of three.

What is the value of the gift certificates from each store?

Penny Nom lui répond.
What's the next term? 2002-04-29
A student pose la question :
Find the nth term for the following:

1) 12, 30, 56, 90, 132
2) 6, 30, 84, 180, 330
3) 8, 15, 24, 35, 48
4) 10, 17, 26, 37, 50
5) 24, 40, 60, 84, 112
6) 24, 60, 120, 336, 504

Please show the FULL working out.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Trains and cracker boxes 2002-04-29
Lindsay pose la question :
1)Two trains are 250 miles apart on the same track heading towards eaxh other at 7AM- The first train travels at 55mph, the second at 75mph. At what time would they crash?

2)A cracker box measures 12 by 2 by 18 inches. The company wants to double the amount of crackers, but keep the shapes the same[similar] Find the new length[nearest tenth of an inch]

Penny Nom lui répond.
Conversion of units 2002-04-29
Matt pose la question :
I am having trouble finding a workable equation for the following problem, particularly the conversion of two systems of measurement.

The question states that there are 27 grams of salt in a kilogram of seawater. And it asks how many tonnes (1 tonne = 1000 kilograms) of salt are there in one cubic kilometer of ocean. It also says that the density of seawater is 1.1 g/cm3.

What is the equation and how do I figure out how many kilograms there are in a cubic kilometre?

Harley Weston lui répond.
A 6,000 gallon tank 2002-04-28
Someone with a big tank pose la question :
I was wondering if you can find out information about how much liquid fuel can fit in a 6,000 GAL. tank. Right now I do not have the exact dimensions of this tank but I will have it the 29th of April. Could you please E-mail me and let me know if you can answer this question after I have the correct specifications.
Penny Nom lui répond.
0/4 = ? 2002-04-28
Danielle pose la question :
I am embarrased to be asking this question, but... is it possible to have a fraction with a zero? For example, 0/4. This does not make sense to me and I do not know what it would be representing, other than nothing! Is it proper to express such a fraction?
Peny Nom lui répond.
A triangular prism 2002-04-28
A student pose la question :
Need the formula for the surface area of a triangular prisim?
Penny Nom lui répond.
a+b=10 and ab=40 2002-04-27
April pose la question :
What two numbers add to ten and multiply to forty?

(a+b=10, a*b=40)

I think the answer includes radicals and/or imaginary numbers.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Designing a ballot 2002-04-26
Kelley pose la question :
I want to design a ballot for four elections. Actually all the candidate races are on 1 ballot. I need to know how many different ballot styles would be needed for all of the candidates to be in each rotation an equal number of times.

For example:

  • A,B,C & D are running for mayor

  • E,F,G & H are running for congress

  • I,J & K are running for senate

  • L,M & N are running for governor

They are all on the same ballot. But in each race their name (for instance A) has to be in the #1 rotation, #2 rotation, #3 rotation, and #4 rotation for his race on this ballot an equal number of times as B,C and D.

The same goes for the other candidates for their perspective races.

How many total ballot styles will there be?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Triangular numbers 2002-04-26
Anika pose la question :
Can you please tell me what a triangular number is?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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