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| n + 4 | + | 3 - 2n | = 16 2002-05-24
Randall pose la question :
I don't seem to be able to solve this: | n + 4 | + | 3 - 2n | = 16
Penny Nom lui répond.
Blood donations 2002-05-23
Fiza pose la question :
One particular high school encourages students to donate blood. the high school gym is set up for purpose. the distribution of blood type in north america is as follows.

Type O:44%
Type B:10%
Type A:42%
Type AB:4%

(a) what is the probability that the first two people in the line up have the same type of blood?

ANSWER: I donn't know how many people are in the line. so how can I answer this question.

(b) what us the probability thar none of the first five people in the line up have type AB blood?

Andrei Volodin lui répond.
3 radians subtends an arc of 27 meters 2002-05-22
Kyle pose la question :
In circle O, a central angle of 3 radians intercepts an arc of 27 meters. Find the number of meters in the length of the radius.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Bob swam across a river 2002-05-22
Torri pose la question :
Bob swam across a river 420 ft wide. A strong current carried him 580ft downstream as he swam. Find x, the distance bob actually swam.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Telephone banking 2002-05-22
Fiza pose la question :
To use telephone banking to pay bills, the customer has to enter the last three digits of each bill. the numbers 0 to 9 can be used. if the number happened to be the same on more tan one bill, the customer has to enter the first three digits as well.

(a) what is the probability that a person has 2 bills to register with the same last three digits?
ANSWER:P(2 bills to register)=1/10P3 1/(10!/7!), 1/(10*9*8)=.001389

(b) what is the probability that a person with 10 bills to register has at least 2 bills with the same last three digits?
ANSWER:P=1/(10*10*10) =0.001

Andrei Volodin lui répond.
The average of two averages 2002-05-22
RJ pose la question :
in a class with 22 students, the average garde on an exam was 68%, in another class with 32 students, the average grade on the same exam was 78%, what was the overall for the two classes? round your answers to the nearest whole number.
Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
Un octogone 2002-05-21
Yves pose la question :
Si j'ai un octogone ayant 8 pieds de diamètre,comment fais t'on pour trouver la mesure de un de ces cotés et quel est cette grandeur.
Claude Tardif lui répond.
A popular television game show 2002-05-19
Amrita pose la question :
On a popular television game show, contestant must first answer a question by placing 4 given events in ascending or desending order in the quickest time.

(a) if a contestant does not know how any of the events should be arranged, how many different ways could the question be answered?

Answer: 4!= 24

(b)a contestant has to arrange the events that correspond to A, B, C, and D. one contestant is positive that event D follows directly after avent B, but does not know about the other s. how many different ways could this contestant arrange the letters A, B, C, and D, list the possibility

Answer: which I didn't get

Penny Nom lui répond.
Probability and investment 2002-05-19
Bally pose la question :
Investors do not invest all their money in the investment predicted to be the best beuause it is too risky. an investor holds shares in three independent cmpanies. company A, Company B, compnay C. an analyst predicts the probability of profit increases for each company as follows. Company A:0.70 Compamy B:0.50 Compnay C:0.65

(a) If the analyst's predictions are true, what is the probability that all three comapanies show a profit incresse?

ANSWER: I try using vin diagram but it did'nt work, I dont know any other ways to solve this question

(b) if the analyst's predictions are true, what is the probability that at least one comany shows a profit increase?

Andrei Volodin lui répond.
Conditional probability 2002-05-19
Manny pose la question :
In a certain school, it is known that 80% of the students use the internet for school projects, 60% use e-mail on a regular basis, and 90% use the internet for school projects or for e-mail on a regular basis. a student from this school is selected at random

Determine thge probability that the student used e-mail, given that the student used the internet for school projects.
ANS: how can i solve this question by useing the vin diaagram

Andrei Volodin lui répond.
Flying with the wind 2002-05-19
SaraJean pose la question :
It takes 6 hours for a plane to travel 720 km with a tail wind and 8 hours to make the return trip with a head wind. Find the air speed of the plane and the speed of the wind current.
Penny Nom lui répond.
How far apart are the transmitters? 2002-05-18
Jeff pose la question :
A ship at sea is 70 miles from one transmitter and 130 miles from another. The measurement of the angle between the signals is 130 degrees. How far apart are the transmitters?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Find the angle measures 2002-05-18
Amanda pose la question :
In triangle ABC; the measure of angle A is 20 degrees more than twice the angle B. The measure of angle C Is five times angle B. Find the angle measures.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Chord length 2002-05-17
Ashlie pose la question :
How do you find the chord length of one section of a chord if you only have the diameter length and the other whole chord length.

WV is the diameter and equals 16. XY is perpendicular to it, and equals 10. They intersect at pt. Z. I need to know what WZ equals. Please help!

Penny Nom lui répond.
On which assignment did I do better 2002-05-17
Denise pose la question :
I have 2 writing assignments in class. The first assignment, which had a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 2, I got a score of 12. The second assignment had a mean of 18 and an s.d. of 3, I got a 21. I need to know which assignment did I do better, relative to my classmates?
Andrei Volodin lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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