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Future value 2002-06-27
Susan pose la question :
If one were to invest $115 a month for 20 years and expect a 4% annual return, what is the value of this money in 20 years?
Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
What is the next term? 2002-06-21
A student pose la question :
What is the next term in the sequence:

1, 5, 14, 30.....

Penny Nom lui répond.
Counting 2002-06-21
Rachel pose la question :
How many different numbers of 2 different digits each can be formed using the digits (1,3,5,7,9)?

How many triangles are formed by the vertical of a regular hexagon?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Jack and Jill wrote letters 2002-06-19
Angel pose la question :
jack and jill each bought a stationary
# of sheets of paper in each box were the same
# of envelopes were the same
jill wrote letters consisting of 3 pages
jack wrote letters consisting of 1 page

when they wrote all letters jill had 50 envelopes left and jack had 50 sheets of paper left how many pieces of paper and how many envelopes?

Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
Integrating x^x 2002-06-18
Jeremy pose la question :
I am a student at the University of Kansas and I am wondering if there is a general anti-derivative for x x (i.e. the integral of x x dx)? I've looked in a bunch of Table of Integrals and have found nothing (can you guys find it?), so I'm sort of wondering if this may be a research type question.
Claude Tardif lui répond.
A good rule of thumb when driving 2002-06-13
Lisa pose la question :
A good rule of thumb when driving is that you should be about one car length away from the car in front of you for every 10 miles per hour that you are travelling. Suppose you follow this rule perfectly (so you are exactly the correct distance away). You are waiting at a stop light with your front bumper just touching the car in front of you. The light turns green and the car in front accelerates at a constant rate "r". Calculate how you should accelerate in order to follow the rule.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Un hectolitre 2002-06-12
Un eleve pose la question :
Pouvez-vous me dire combien d'hectolitres y a t-il dans un mètre cube (m3)?
Diane Hanson lui répond.
The cross country team 2002-06-12
Denae pose la question :
In cross country, a team's score is the sum of the first five finishers on the team. The captain of the team finished 2nd in the meet. The next four finishers on the team placed in consecutive order. The team score was 40. in what places did the other members finish?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An equilateral triangle 2002-06-11
Sarah pose la question :
Hi. My name is Sarah. I'm a secondary student taking a Math 30C course by correspondence. The question has two parts.

The first part is: Draw an equilateral triangle XYZ. Draw the altitude from X to YZ. Choose any point P inside the triangle or on the triangle. Draw perpendiculars from P to the sides of the triangle. The Second part is:

Measure the altitude h and the 3 perpendiculars s, t, and u to the nearest mm. Repeat as many time as is necessary until you can state a generalization concerning h, s, t, and u. If you could help me, it would be greatly appreciated.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Drawing cards 2002-06-11
Ed pose la question :
What is the probability of drawing without replacement from a standard deck of 52 cards the following 5 card hand ...... the ace of spades, 2 tens and 2 face cards

Solution 1: 1/52 x 4/51 x 3/50 x 12/49 x 11/48

Solution 2: Using Combination theory ..... (1C1 x 4C2 x 12C2) divided by (52C5)

Can you help us understand which answer is correct and why the other is not?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Successive coefficients in the nth row of Pascal's Triangle 2002-06-10
Tim pose la question :
There is a formula connecting any (k+1) successive coefficients in the nth row of Pascal's Triangle with a coefficient in the (n+k)th row. find this formula.
Penny Nom lui répond.
0.63 of an acre 2002-06-08
Sherry pose la question :
how many square feet are in 0.63 of an acre
Penny Nom lui répond.
Regular polyhedra 2002-06-07
Sandra pose la question :
The other day a colleague and I were talking about polyhedra. Is regular a term applied to polyhedra or just polygons? If so, then what would define a regular polyhedron? Would it mean all faces are regular or would it mean that all faces are identical and regular? That is, could a pyramid with equilateral triangles for lateral faces and a square base be considered regular or must the base also be an equilateral triangle?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
The mean distance travelled 2002-06-07
A student pose la question :
If Rosalia travels 1000 km
Sheree travels 280 km
Daniel travels 50 km
Mica travels 200 km
Connor travels 500 km
Eric travels 250 km
Hillary travels 300 km

What was the mean distance travelled?

How do you arrive at the answer?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Constructing the square root of 3 2002-06-07
Allan pose la question :
I am a Math 7/8 teacher. I was wondering how you would show a student how to find the exact location of the square root of three on the number line using just a compass and a straight edge.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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