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An arc of a circle 2003-03-12
Melissa pose la question :
A strip of wood is 16 ft. long and is bent in the arc of a circle. Two radii, from the center of the circle to the ends of the arc, form a right angle. What is the approximate distance from one end of the wooden arc to the other?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Harmonic numbers 2003-03-12
Becky pose la question :
What can you tell me about the limit of harmonic numbers as it reaches infinity?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Monomials 2003-03-11
Roxy pose la question :
Explain why (x+y)z is not equal to xz+yz? P.S. Z is an exponent
Penny Nom lui répond.
Surface area of a sphere 2003-03-11
Kim pose la question :
a sphere has a surface area of 128 pi sq. units. What is its exact radius?
formula is 4 pi r2 I believe but how do I get radius

Penny Nom lui répond.
Division names 2003-03-10
A parent pose la question :
what is the answer to a division problem called
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three digit number 2003-03-10
Grace pose la question :
What three digit positive integer is exactly 32 times the sum of its digits?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
A question on combinations 2003-03-06
Jose pose la question :

I'm an architect student and have a question on combinations. I have a grid of 3 x 3, hence a total of 9 spaces. I have 3 elements to place in this grid.

How many possible ways are there of arranging this elements on this grid ? (order, orientation not important)

First putting the elements each in its own space and secondly allowing the elements at a given moment to "share" one space.

Since I got kind of obsessed with this I went ahead and graphically did all the combinations allowing "sharing", a grand total of 729. How could I have known this before hand ?

Penny Nom and Claude Tardif lui répond.
Mary typed a six digit number 2003-03-06
Pillar pose la question :
Mary typed a six digit number, but the two 1's did not show. What appeared instead was 2002. How many different six-digit numbers could she have typed?
Penny Nom lui répond.
(n+17)(n+7) = 0 2003-03-05
Janea pose la question :

What is the answer to 1. (n+17)(n+7)=0

What is the answer to:2. (y-15)(y-100)=0

Penny Nom lui répond.
Can a square be a rhombus? 2003-03-04
Beth pose la question :
Can a square be a rhombus? Some sources say yes, some say no. Some sources define a rhombus as a quadrilateral and parallelogram with equal sides, but without right angles. Some sources say a square is a special case of a rhombus. Clarity, please!
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
y < 2x + 1 2003-03-01
Erika pose la question :
how can I solve and graph y<2x+1 and which side in the graph should i shade after i finish solving my inequality?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Finding the area when the perimeter is known 2003-02-28
Yvette pose la question :
What is the size of an area in sqare feet when the perimeter totals 842 feet.
Sides are 190ft+180ft+200ft+54ft+118ft+100ft.

Penny Nom lui répond.
______cm=0.048km 2003-02-27
Antonette pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
Can a square be considered a rectangle? 2003-02-27
Carla pose la question :

Can a square be considered a rectangle? (since opposite sides are same length and parallel)

Would a regular hexagon or octagon be considered a parallelogram since its opposite sides are parallel? or does a parallelogram HAVE to have only 4 sides?

Penny Nom lui répond.
A number line 2003-02-27
Shery pose la question :

My seventh grader problem of the month


This is a arrow, the number should be below

A.Mrs Decker created an arrow representing a number line shown above. She wanted to find points and label them with a heart (G) for Valentine's Day so that the fraction 5/g is less than 1. (be sure to mark the G and not the fraction 5/g). She pondered, "Are there any other locations for G?" Is so help her description the location of all these points. If not why not?

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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