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One one 2003-04-22
Brad pose la question :
find the next two rows of numbers?
    1 1                        
    2 1                      
  1 1 1 2                     
  3 1 1 2                    
1 1 1 2 1 3 

Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
The effectiveness of a drug 2003-04-22
A student pose la question :
A certain drug is found to be effective 80% of the time. Find the probability of successful treatment in two out of four cases.
Andrei Volodin lui répond.
Manipulating exponents 2003-04-21
Denita pose la question :
Rewrite using only positive exponents:

(4a^4b^2)^4 * (4a^ -3 bc^2)^ -3

Harley Weston lui répond.
Chopping trees 2003-04-19
Tamara pose la question :

The master needs some of the trees (twenty, to be exact) at the back of his spooky old mansion cleared to make way for a new evil laboratory, so he decides to send some his slaves to do the work for him.

He initially sends out four of his men, armed with axes, to chop the trees down. Due to the fact he is very impatient, every ten minutes he sends out another man to help with the work.

Assuming that it takes one man 30 minutes to chop down 1/3 of a tree, how long till all twenty trees are chopped down?

Penny Nom lui répond.
A tangent to a circle 2003-04-18
Lech pose la question :
The line with equation y=mx is a tangent to the circle with equation x2+y2-6x-6y+17=0. Find the possible values of m.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Interest compounded daily 2003-04-18
Bruce pose la question :
I recently received $7,987.68. This amount consisted of $7,543.61 invested at 6% per annum, compounded daily. I am trying to find out how many days this investment accrued interest.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The substitution method 2003-04-14
Patty pose la question :

I need help with the following:

5x - 4y = 13

2y + 3x = -1

Penny Nom lui répond.
The square of my age was the same as the year 2003-04-14
Pat pose la question :
Augustus de Morgan wrote in 1864, "At some point in my life, the square of my age was the same as the year." When was he born?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Area of a trapezoid 2003-04-13
A road builder pose la question :
My husband works with asphalt building roads. There are times when one end of the road will be (for example) 100ft wide the other end would be( for example) 200ft wide and he must figure the area in square feet. So far it has been a guessing game because he dosen't have the formula to figure the square feet.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Incremental standard deviation 2003-04-12
Carlos pose la question :
I need to calculate the standard deviation for a group of data, but I don't know in advance what is the mean. Is there a way to adjust the STDV for each datum without keeping all of the previous values? This is needed basicaly for performance, so I won't need to read twice the same data (spend processing time) nor save the previous values (spend memory).
Andrei Volodin and Penny Nom lui répond.
Soustraction avec les heures 2003-04-08
Jennifer pose la question :
Je m'appelle Jennifer et malheureusement j'ai un petit souci. Pour le calcul des heures c'ets à dire je ne me rappelle plus comment s'effectue une addition ou un soustraction avec les heures comme par exemples 9h45-7h52. Si vous pouviez m'aider j'ens erais trés contente.
Diane Hanson and Claude Tardif lui répond.
A fractional inequality 2003-04-08
Jessica pose la question :
Solve for x. Write in interval notation.

[(x2)-9]/[x-5] >= 0

Penny Nom lui répond.
Un polyedre convexe 2003-04-07
Hubert pose la question :
quelle sont les conditions nécessaire pour former un polyedre convexe avec un seul type de polygone?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
The surface area of a cube 2003-04-07
Sarah pose la question :
if the volume of a cube is 64 cm, then what's the total surface area? I also want to know how to show my work.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Jo's books 2003-04-07
Miguel pose la question :
Jo announces, "I have more than 999 books."
Jean says: "No Jo! You have fewer than 1,000 books."
Mary says: "Jo has at least 1 book."
Only one of these statements is true. How many books does Jo own?

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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