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One percent of a billion 2003-09-04
Charles pose la question :
What is one percent of one billion?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Positive, negative and zero 2003-09-04
Brian pose la question :
Can the Value of zero be positive or can it be negative or can it be both.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The game of 24 2003-09-03
A student pose la question :
We have a game where four numbers must equal 24 using addition, subtraction, multiplication and/or division.Ý I am stuck on the following four numbers - 12, 24, 9 and 17.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A boat travels 12 km upstream... 2003-09-03
Sohaib pose la question :
A boat travels 12 km upstream and back in 1 hour 45 minutes. If the speed of the current is 3km/hr throughout, find the speed of the boat in still water, giving your answerÝcorrect to 3 decimal places.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Why percentage? 2003-09-03
Vicky pose la question :
My cousin aske me a question about the use of percentages and I'm not sure how to answer it. He wants to know why when there is a sale in a shop we use percentages and not fractions or decimals.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Percentage markup 2003-09-03
Virginia pose la question :

I am confused and hope you can help. I have looked high and low for a "chart" persay to go by when I am having to calculate markup percentages.

Example if I have a List price of $1838.00 and my cost is $955.76 and I want to mark it up 30%. My colleage says it should be divided by .7

I don't understand how he arrives at .7 from 30 percent.

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Profit margin 2003-09-03
Chet pose la question :

My salesman calculates a customers profit margin by dividing what the customer paid by what he sells for, then subtracting that answer from 1. For example a customer sells a product for $15. He bought it for $10. 15/10=.66 Subtract that from 1 and get a profit % of 33%

Here's my question: If I want to figure what a reseller will sell a product for if he wants 40% margin(by the technique above), what formula do I use? Let's say I want to sell a product for 8.50, and I want the reseller to make 40%

Penny Nom lui répond.
Two row arrays 2003-09-03
Madalyn pose la question :
My question is, what are #'s that can not be arranged in two row arrays called?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A helicopter rises vertically 2003-09-02
Kate pose la question :
A helicopter rises vertically and t seconds after leaving hte ground its velocity is given in feet per second by v(t) = 8t + 40 / (t+2)2 How far above the ground will the helicopter be after 3 seconds?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Water in a tank 2003-09-02
A parent pose la question :
if a tank is 48 inches long 14 inches wide and 18 inches deep if a yardstick was inserted into the tank and measured 2 inches of water in the tank how many gallons of water would be in the tank.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A theorem in geometry 2003-09-02
Diego pose la question :
Please refer to figure in attached file. P is a point on the chord AB of a circle such that the tangent PT which touches the circle at T is equal to AB. How do we prove that PT2 = AP x BP.
Dieter Ruoff and Penny Nom lui répond.
The units digit of 57 to the 28th power 2003-09-01
Maria pose la question :

If 57 is raised to the 28th power, what must be the units digit in the result?

If you raise 7 to the 500th power, what is the numeral that will appear in the units digit position?

Penny Nom lui répond.
A 6 team schedule 2003-08-31
A scheduler pose la question :
I saw that someone put on your web site a team schedule and you helped them figure it out.Ý I have 6 teams that want to play each other once, and believe it or not, I cannot figure it out.
Penny Nom lui répond.
20% of 40% of 500 2003-08-31
A student pose la question :
What is 20% of 40% of 500?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Terminology 2003-08-31
Maria pose la question :
My daughter Veronica is a rising 6th grader and has to complete some Summer Math
assignments and would like to ask you three questions:
  1. ___________ are number pairs that have a product of 1.

  2. You can name any point on a plane with two numbers. These two numbers are called _____________.

  3. A _______________ is the size of a cube that is exactly 1 inch on each edge.

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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