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Arithmetic in bases other than 10 2003-10-22
Kim pose la question :
how do you add, subtract, multiply and devide in base 3, base 5, etc?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Squares in a rectangle 2003-10-21
Raj pose la question :

Draw a rectangle with sides of 3 and 4. Divide the sides into 3 and 4 equal parts respectively. Draw squares joining the points on the sides of the rectangle. You will have 12 small squares inside the 3 x 4 rectangle.

If you draw a diagonal of the rectangle, it will intersect 6 of the the 12 smaller squares.

Similarly, if you have a 4 x 10 rectangle, the diagonal would intersect 12 of the 40 squares inside the rectangle.

Is there an algebric equation that determines the number of squares that will be intersected by the diagonal of a rectangle?

Chris Fisher lui répond.
0.3 trillion 2003-10-20
Bill pose la question :
What is .3 of one trillion?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Domain of a function 2003-10-14
Karim pose la question :
Find the Domain of the Function
H(x) = Log3 (4x + 7)-10
H(x) = log base 3 times 4X plus 7 minus 10
i am having problem solving these kinds of problems.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Pairs of prime numbers 2003-10-13
Nikolas pose la question :
Use pairs of prime numbers to find all the numbers less than 50 that have only two prime factors. Make an organized list.
Penny Nom lui répond.
5x - y 2003-10-11
Candace pose la question :
math problem 5x-y for x=12 and y=14 do you mulitilpy 5x12 and than -the answer from 14 which gives you 46? is this right
Penny Nom lui répond.
Points inside a triangle 2003-10-10
Laura pose la question :

is there a way to establish, if a given point at coordinates (x,y) is within an area defined by three other sets of coordinates forming a triangle ABC?

is T(x,y) within triangle A(x,y)B(x,y)C(x,y)

Chris Fisher lui répond.
Statistics from grouped data 2003-10-09
Rebecca pose la question :

I have to use a suitable computer package (ie. Excel) to work out the mean and standard deviation of the following:

 Price Range            No of Houses        No of Houses 
£`000                  Area 1              Area 2   

45 and under 50         4                   5 
50 and under 55        7                   12 
55 and under 60        14                  16 
60 and under 70        19                  18 
70 and under 80        8                   3 
80 and under 100       5                   2 

I have used excel to work out mean and standard deviation before, but not in a more complicated example like this.

Any advice on where to start would be greatly appreciated.

Penny Nom lui répond.
10,000 2003-10-08
Nathan pose la question :
what two numbers make the product of 10,000. Neither number can end in a zero
Penny Nom lui répond.
Interest compounded daily 2003-10-08
Terie pose la question :
If I owe $2000.00 @ 6.25% compounded daily for 54 days. How much do I owe in interest?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Standard Deviation 2003-10-07
Rebecca pose la question :

I have a task to complete, which is to calculate the mean and standard deviation of something. I have done this but am then asked to write a short explanation of my findings.

I know what the mean is about, and I thought I knew what the standard deviation meant too - shows the variation from the mean. However, on a task I completed earlier the feedback I got said 'you need to tell us that it is talking about the middle 66% of the data' - that has thrown me, I don't understand that. Can anyone help me get my head round this???

Penny Nom lui répond.
Two chords 2003-10-07
Lori pose la question :
Chords AB and CD of circle O intersect at E. If AE=4, AB=5, CE=2, Find ED.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The sketch of a graph 2003-10-07
A student pose la question :
I was wondering how do you figure out if a graph has a horizontal tangent line. One of my homework problem was to sketch the graph of the following function; (4/3)x3-2x2+x. I set f''(x) ( the second derivative) of the function equal to zero and got the inflection point:(1/2,1/6). Also i am having trouble finding the concavity for x>1/2 and x<1/2, i am getting a different answer from the back of the book, the graph i draw looks completely different from the correct answer.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Arrangements around a circular table 2003-10-07
Lori pose la question :
How many arrangements can 6 people be seated round a circular table?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Indeterminate forms 2003-10-06
A teacher pose la question :
Is it possible for me to find any geometrical interpretation without using calculus to explain indeterminate forms?
Chris Fisher lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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