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Division with and without units 2004-09-17
Kenneth pose la question :
What does it indicate when the divisor has units (dollars) but not the dividend, as in 500/$10.00 or 500 is divided by $10.00? Are the units understood to be there? Does 500/$10.00 make sense?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The length of a cut 2004-09-17
Florita pose la question :
My daughhter, who is a 9th grader is attempting to cut a piece of wood after determining the length of the cut for the hypotenuse. These are the measures: a=4squared, b=6squared.

She determined that c should equal 52. But when she measured the actual piece to be cut, c measured 39.5 inches! Can you offer any insight as to what she is doing wrong? I have suggested that she may be working with an Acute rather than a Right angle . But she insists that it is a Right angle after using a "framing square".

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Pizza for Jack? 2004-09-16
Grace pose la question :
Jack is playing pool with Jim for $1 a game. He has only $2 and decides to play until he goes broke or has $5, at which point he will quit and go out for a pizza with Jim(Dutch treat). Jack knows from past experience that he beats Jim 60% of the time. What is the probability that Jack will get to eat pizza? Hints: Let A be the 6x6 matrix defined by A=[aij], where aij is the probability that Jack will have $(i-1)after one game is he starts with $(j-1). For example, a23 - .40 since there is a 40% probability that Jack will end up with $1 after a game is he starts the game with $2 (If Jack wins 605 of the time, he must lose 40% of the time). Also, for example, a52 = 0 since there is no way jack can have $4 after one game if he had $1 at the beginning of the game. Since Jack will stop if he goes broke or accumulates $5, a11 and a66 are both 1.

Let x0 = [0 0 1 0 0 0 ] transposed, which we interpret as saying that initially Jack has $2 with a probability 1. Then Ax0 will represent the porbability of each amount of money, $0-$5, after one game. What is the probability that Jack will be able to eat pizza by computing Akx0 for large k and finding a limiting value.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Volume 2004-09-16
Jonathan pose la question :
I have an area of 22ft x 43 ft, 6 inches high
Sq. ft..946
sq. yds...105.1

What is the cubic feet and cubic yards for this dimension.

Penny Nom lui répond.
S is between T and V 2004-09-16
Reuben pose la question :
S is between T and V. R is between S and T. T is between R and Q.
QV=18 QT=6 and TR = RS = SV Make a sketch and answer the following:


Penny Nom lui répond.
The game of 24 2004-09-16
Angelica pose la question :
how can you make 24 out of 7,7,6,5?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Finding the height of a triangle 2004-09-14
A student pose la question :
I have to calculate the height of a triangle. The base is 6 (units)say ab One of the top sides is 4 (units)say ca The other side is 2 (units) say cb I don't know the angles.

How to find the height?

Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond.
The game of 24 2004-09-14
Alan pose la question :
I was playing that math 24 game and i cant get 21,14,2,2 to equal 24
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Crossword math puzzle 2004-09-14
Joyce and Tiffany pose la question :
The puzzle name was real number vocabulary and the question is (a number that divides evenly into another what is it?). (Space in between tic-marks on a number line).
Harley Weston lui répond.
Payment plus interest 2004-09-14
Penny pose la question :
Brian wants to borrow some money from Margaret.
After three years he is to pay X back plus one interest sum of 25%. If he is pays back a total of $3800, what was the original sum borrowed?

Penny Nom lui répond.
differentiate Y=X^X^X 2004-09-13
Kunle pose la question :
differentiate Y=X^X^X
Penny Nom lui répond.
Making a pyramid 2004-09-12
Jacob pose la question :
My name is Jacob and I am a 11th grade student trying to build a pyramid for a friend but I need a chart of some sort to show me the measurements (I learn better w\pictures) it is a square base with 18 in sides and I want the vertex to be 18in above the base I need to know as many measurements as you can give me.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A copper sphere 2004-09-12
Irfan pose la question :
The radius of a copper sphere is 3cm. If a wire of 0.4 diameter is drawn by melting it,what is the length of this wire?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three word problems 2004-09-12
Adrian pose la question :

1. Increasing area of a field: Julia's soybean field is 3m longer than it is wide. To increase her production, she plans to increase her to increase both the length and width by 2m. If the new field is 46m2(2nd power) larger than the old field, then what are the dimensions of the old field?

2. Width of a Football Field: If the perimeter of a football field in the NFL including the end zones is 1040 ft and the field is 120 yd long, then what is the width of the field in feet?

3. Fencing dog pens Clint is constructing two adjacent rectangular dog pens. Each pen will be three times as long as it is wide, and the pens will share a common long side. If Clint has 65 ft of fencing, what are the dimensions of each pen?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Number combinations 2004-09-10
Angela pose la question :
I need the number of possible number combinations, both 3 and 4 digit, from 0-59

I know that 0-9 has 10000 combinations for 4 digits I also know that 0-9 has 1000 combinations for 3 digits

Perhaps you could explain an easier way to figure this out rather than writing all these numbers down??

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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