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A sequence of transformations 2005-01-03
Abraham pose la question :
Please go to this web site and look at number 31.


That is the New York state education web site. Can you tell me if my answer would be marked correct? My answer was Transformation of 4,-3 (T 4,-3) followed by a reflection in the x-axis.If I graphed the question and wrote that, would I get full credit

Harley Weston lui répond.
An elliptical table 2005-01-03
Roger pose la question :
Want to make an elliptical table, say the long (major) axis is 4 feet, and the short (minor) axis is 3 feet. I can construct this figure, but I'm trying to figure out what the exact dimension of a rectangle within this ellipse will be if I make the table a drop leaf type where the drop dimensions are equal for each end of both the long and short axes. Intuitively, it looks like there is one and only one solution.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Standard deviation 2005-01-02
Urial pose la question :
Find the standard deviation of the given data set
To get the best deal for CD dealer, Jessica called eight appliance stores and asked the cast of a specific model. The prices she quoted are listed below.

$300, $203, $272, $332, $440, $119, $129,$254

Penny Nom lui répond.
A 4-digit access code 2005-01-02
Missi pose la question :
I need to find the 4 digit number to access my voice mail. These numbers will be 0-9 & numbers can be repeated. Could you provide me with a list of possibly combinations? If not, do you know anywhere that I could get a list of combinations so I don't have to write it all down?
Harley Weston lui répond.
A line from the center of the patch to the periphery 2005-01-01
Sandrine pose la question :
I am currently researching a patch disease of grasses. These patches are roughly circular. I need a term for a line from the center of the patch to the periphery. Since the patches are not perfectly circular, my supervisors tell me I cannot use the word 'radius'. What else could I use?
Denis Hanson and Harley Weston lui répond.
A geometry problem 2005-01-01
Alexandra pose la question :
In triangle ABC, b=40, and angle A= 30 degres. What values of BC will give two solution for angle B?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The golden ratio 2004-12-31
Cristina pose la question :
let x represent the longer segment. to find the golden ratio, write a proportion such that the longer of the two segments is the geometric mean between the shorter segment and the entire segment.Use the quadratic Formula to solve the proportion for X. Find the value in both radical and decimal form.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a triangle 2004-12-30
Perry pose la question :
What is the area of a triangle with dimensions 3"X5"X7"? Could you provide the formula?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Gallons in a cylinder 2004-12-29
Dean pose la question :
I have 2 cylinders:
Cylinder A = 8'D x 12'H
Cylinder B = 10'D x 15'H

Each 1ft represents how many gallons of fluid?

Cylinder A=?

Cylinder B=?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Cubic yards of dirt 2004-12-28
Stephen pose la question :
How many cubic feet or yards of dirt would be required to cover a 5 acre tract of land to a depth of 10 feet of compacted dirt?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Six digit numbers with at least one 7 2004-12-27
Behzad pose la question :
How many six-digit numbers contain at least one 7 in their decimal expansion?
Penny Nom lui répond.
2^9833 days from today 2004-12-26
Pauline pose la question :
Today is Monday, 1 October 2001. What day of the week will be 29833 days from today?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Half of five 2004-12-26
Pauline pose la question :
Why is four half of Five? Hint: It's the middle half?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Modelling monthly temperature with a cosine 2004-12-25
Regis pose la question :
The average monthly temperature for a location in Ontario as a function of month number can be modelled using the equation y = a cos[k(t + b)] + d.
Harley Weston lui répond.
An arithmetic progression 2004-12-24
A student pose la question :
the 4th and 5th term of an arithmetic progration 47 and 52 respactively find

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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