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Factoring a cubic 2005-02-20
Abraham pose la question :
How would you factor completely,

Claude Tardif lui répond.
le système RSA 2005-02-19
Un eleve pose la question :
Je suis actuellement en classe préparatoire MP au lycée Henri Poincaré de Nancy et je souhaiterais obtenir des informations sur l'exponentiation modulaire car je réalise un TIPE sur la cryptographie et plus particulièrement le système RSA. pourriez-vous m'indiquez en quoi consiste l'exponentiation modulaire et comment cela fonctionne.
Claude Tardif lui répond.
$14k is 22% of ________ 2005-02-19
A parent pose la question :
When one knows the
percentage, and a known number, how is the unknown total figured? In other words, I know that $14k is 22% of what number??

Claude Tardif and Penny Nom lui répond.
1 pied linéaire 2005-02-18
Christiane pose la question :
Pouvez-vous m'indiquer 1 pied linéaire égale quoi? 3 pied....?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Graphing inequalities 2005-02-15
Melanie pose la question :
Solve and Graph the following variable inequalities:





Penny lui répond.
The weight of some concrete 2005-02-15
Jordan pose la question :
I have 6 acres of concrete that is 3 feet thick the aprox. weight of 1 cubic yard of concrete is 4024 pounds I am trying to find out how much my 6 acres weighs. fortunately my concrete is 3 feet deep.
Penny Nom lui répond.
If the distance of a person from a tower is 100 m... 2005-02-15
Agustin pose la question :
If the distance of a person from a tower is 100 m and the angle subtended by the top of the tower with the ground is 30 degrees, what is the height of the tower in meters?
Harley Weston lui répond.
One million times one billion 2005-02-15
A student pose la question :
How much is ONE MILLION TIMES ONE BILLION in the American system ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the least three-digit palindrome that is a square number? 2005-02-12
Ben pose la question :
What is the least three-digit palindrome that is a square number?
Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond.
Understanding fractions 2005-02-11
C.J. pose la question :
I have some questions about the lesson, "Understanding Fractions" by Diane Hanson, Regina Catholic Schools. How successful was the lesson? Are there any changes you would recommend?
Diane Hanson lui répond.
arcsech x 2005-02-10
Monica pose la question :
Prove that arcsech x = ln[(1 + (1-x2)(1/2)) / x ]
Penny Nom lui répond.
Th dimensions of a garden 2005-02-09
Rebecca pose la question :
Nate's garden has a perimeter of 34 meters and an area of 72 square meters. What are the dimensions of the garden?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Sales before tax 2005-02-09
Lynda pose la question :
I know my total sales for the month, which includes sales tax. How do I get to the sales dollars before the sales tax?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A quadratic equation 2005-02-09
Jess pose la question :
Claude Tardif lui répond.
A combination lock has 60 positions... 2005-02-07
Kathy pose la question :
A combination lock has 60 positions arranged in a circle to which a pointer may be set. Three settings are required to open it and no one setting may be closer than 5 positions from the immediately preceding setting. How many different locks may be manufactured?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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