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How much sand is in a pile? 2005-04-16
Larry pose la question :
I was wondering if there is a formula for determining how much sand would be in a pile. I am a student in medical school, and this is a bonus question for a test. I hope you can help me.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Some four digit numbers 2005-04-16
Lori pose la question :
can u give me every possible combination of four numbers starting with the number three
Penny Nom lui répond.
A roll of paper 2005-04-16
Tuomas pose la question :
How would you calculate a diameter of a paper reel when the paper is 0,04 millimeters thick and for example 5000 meters of it is winded on a 76 mm (3inch) core.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A flaw in a problem 2005-04-15
Bryce pose la question :


(x2-x2) = (x2-x2)
x(x-x) = (x+x)(x-x) [divide both sides by (x-x)]
x = x + x
x = 2x [divide both sides by x]
2 = x/x = 1

Where is the flaw in this problem?

Paul Betts lui répond.
X and Y intercepts 2005-04-14
David pose la question :
Hi, i would like to know if you can answer this question for me Find the x and y intercept fo y = 8x - 5
Penny lui répond.
The limit as x approaches 3 of (sqrt(x+1)-2)/(x-3) 2005-04-14
Abraham pose la question :
What is the limit as x approaches 3 of (sqrt(x+1)-2)/(x-3)
Penny lui répond.
cos(2x) = sin(3x) 2005-04-14
A student pose la question :
Show that if x= 18 degrees, then cos2x =sin 3x. HENCE find the exact value of sin 18 degrees, and prove that cos 36 - sin 18 =1/2.
Andrei Volodin, Claude Tardif and Penny Nom lui répond.
Avec les chiffres 1 3 4 6... 2005-04-14
Ambre et Miel pose la question :
avec les chiffres 1 3 4 6 utilisé une seule fois chacun soit en div multipl addit ousoustr je dois avoir 24 comme résultat
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Prime numbers 2005-04-11
Jesule pose la question :
Given that p, p+10 and p+14 are prime numbers, find p.
Claude Tardif and Chris Fisher lui répond.
A 25% markup 2005-04-07
Jason pose la question :
I want to markup $2.00 by 25%...How do I do this???
Penny lui répond.
The centroid of a triangle 2005-04-07
Maria pose la question :
Q3)find the coordinates of the centroid of triangle ABC i want your help here to solve the 3rd question i got stuck.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A mixture 2005-04-06
Ray pose la question :
two known values
product # 1 = 60% protein
product # 2 = 80% protein

How much of the #2 product would I need to add to the # 1 product to create a third product of 65%

Penny lui répond.
Difference in latitude 2005-04-05
Gretel pose la question :
Assuming the the earth is a sphere of radius 6378 kilometers, what is the difference in latitude of two cities, one of which is 400 kilometers due north of the other? 500 kilometers?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Rational functions 2005-04-05
Nicole pose la question :
My name is Nicole and I am a teacher at Weyburn Comprehensive School. I am currently teaching both Math B30 and Calculus 30 at the school and I have a question about rational functions. I know that if a rational function (by definition) has common factors in the numerator and the denominator then it is not a rational function (math b30) however in calculus this common factor creates a hole in our graph. Can you explain to me why a common factor or constant does not give us a rational function?
Penny Nom and Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
1 ellipsoïde et une sphère 2005-04-04
Tihon pose la question :
Dans le cadre de mon mémoire réalisé à l'université de Liège (Belgique), je suis amené à savoir si 1 ellipsoïde et une sphère ont ou n'ont pas d'intersection...Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider??
Claude Tardif lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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