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BEDMAS 2005-09-01
A student pose la question :
I am a student and am wondering about the answer to this question.


is the answer 7?

Harley Weston lui répond.
A typical farm 2005-09-01
Pagedi pose la question :
A typical farm is about 700 acres. How many square miles is this? Please show me the work so, that I will know I to perform this problem myself.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Metric conversion 2005-09-01
Donna pose la question :
I know there is an equation to figuring out, for example. .5526 km = _______ mm
Penny Nom lui répond.
The sum of a series 2005-08-31
Aamod pose la question :
Find the sum of the given series till n terms:

(14\1*3) + (24\3*5) + (34\5*7)............... till n terms

Chri Fisher lui répond.
12-42, 8-26, 10-34, 9-30, 16-58 2005-08-31
Elizabeth pose la question :
here is a math question my niece gave me, grade 7

12-42, 8-26, 10-34, 9-30, 16-58

first day of school and this is what they give her no explanation

Harley Weston lui répond.
1,4,9,1,6,2,5,3,6,4,9,6,4,8,1 2005-08-30
Liz pose la question :
Find the next four numbers to the sequence 1,4,9,1,6,2,5,3,6,4,9,6,4,8,1,___,___,___,___.
Penny Nom lui répond.
cos x * cos 2x * cos 4x * cos 8x 2005-08-29
Leandro pose la question :

A = cos x * cos 2x * cos 4x * cos 8x

What's the value of log A at base 2?

Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a lot 2005-08-29
Richard pose la question :
My wife and I are interested in buying property in Idaho but the owner can't give us a square footage of the lot. The dimensions are as follows:

121.0 on the left side
157.0 on the right side
135.0 on the bottom
162.0 on the top

The bottom right corner of the lot is a true right angle, the rest are not.

Penny Nom lui répond.
The length of a lot 2005-08-28
Billy pose la question :
If I have 3 acres and the front is 300 ft across how many feet would I go down the sides to equal 3 acres?
Penny Nom lui répond.
1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9 = 1: Fill in the blanks 2005-08-26
James pose la question :
Try to replace the blanks below with + or - to make the statement correct
1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9 = 1

Penny Nom lui répond.
Graphing a linear inequality 2005-08-26
Gina pose la question :
When graphing a linear inequality, how do you know if the inequality represents the area above the line?
Penny Nom lui répond.
y = log(x) + x. Solve for x. 2005-08-26
Alain pose la question :

I have the following equation:

y = ln(x) + x

How do I solve for x?

Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a triangle 2005-08-26
Martha pose la question :
I have a triangle that with a base of 60' and the two sides of 37'. I know the formula for area is A=1/2 (b*h) but how do I find the height??
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a pentagon 2005-08-24
Susan pose la question :
I need to calculate the square footage of a regular pentagon (all angles are equal). Each side is 16 feet long.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Labour efficiency 2005-08-23
Rob pose la question :

The problem, on the surface, seems very simple and yet has created some controversy among a group of accountants. The problem itself has to do with labour efficiency rates and only involves two variables; standard working hours, and actual working hours. The difficulty lies in deriving an efficiency % from these two numbers.

Standard working hours or the targeted number of labour hours required to produce one widget, which I will represent as "s". Actual working hour or the actual number of labour hours require to produce one widget, which I will represent as "a". Labour efficiency I will represent with "E". The prevailing calculation with which I have a problem with is this:

s/a=E or if s=3000, and a=4000 then 3000/4000=75%

What bothers me about the calculation is that the standard hours get represented as a percentage of the actual hours and in my opinion changes the focus of the calculation from standard or target, where it should be, to the actual hours. I cannot define why, but this just seems inherently wrong to me.
The calculation that I use:

(1+((s-a)/s))=E or if s=3000, and a=4000 then (1+((3000-4000)/3000))=66.67%

My calculation is like a %change from standard calculation. However, there is something that also concerns me about my calculation.

If you substitute 100 for a and 50 for s, then you come to a quandary, because if you plug those numbers into the second equation the result is of course zero % efficient which doesn't sit right with me either. If you plug them into the first calculation you get 50% efficiency which doesn't really seem to work either, because you require 100% more hours to do the same work in this case. ???

Is the first calculation correct? Am I missing something altogether? Are both calculations off base?

Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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