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Proof by induction 2006-02-10
Victoria pose la question :

how do i prove by induction on n that
Σ 1/i(i+1) = n/(n+1)

for all positive integers n

Penny Nom lui répond.
Equal fractions 2006-02-10
Dylan pose la question :
write three equal ratios

3/4 _________________________

Penny Nom lui répond.
More on percentges 2006-02-10
Rich pose la question :
I need to dilute several owners who combined own 66% down to 50% and increase the 34% owner to 50%. I thought it was as simple as taking 16% away from each of the 66% and transferring that amount to the 34%, but it doesn't add up.
Penny Nom lui répond.
sinh(i/2) 2006-02-09
Louis pose la question :
How can you set up an equation to find sinh(i/2)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Degree 2006-02-09
Jessica pose la question :
I am a 9th grade home school student and have started doing degrees of terms in my math book. The following is some examples they give:

25a to the 4th power is a 4th degree term

67c to the 9th power is a 9th degree term

x is really x to the 1st power so it is a 1st degree term

10 is really 10x to the 0 power so it is a 0 degree term

They go on to say that every constant is a zero degree term.

My question is why isn't a constant, like 10, simply to the 1st power (making is a 1st degree term) like x.

Claude Tardif lui répond.
How many beanbag animals does each friend have? 2006-02-09
A student pose la question :
Melissa has 1 more than twice the number of beanbag animals Rachael has. Latanya has a third as many bean bag animals as Melissa has. Together, the three friends have 38 beanbag animals. How many beanbag animals does each friend have?
Steve La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
Find two consecutive integers whose product is 182 2006-02-09
Anthony pose la question :
Find two consecutive integers whose product is 182
Steve La Rocque lui répond.
A percentage question 2006-02-09
Graham pose la question :
If i order 700 lines in total, 500 lines on order A and 200 lines on order B how bo i work out the percentage of lines ordered on order A
Penny Nom lui répond.
Simplify the variable expression: 3g^2h over 12gh 2006-02-09
Andrew pose la question :
okay the question says simplify the variable expression: 3g2h over 12gh
how would u do this?

Penny Nom lui répond.
The third side of a triangle 2006-02-09
Clayton pose la question :
How do I find the length of the third side of a triangle if a=30m, b=30m and I need to find c?
Steve La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
How many 16 foot 2 by 4's are there in a 1000 board feet of lumber. 2006-02-08
Fred pose la question :
how many 16 foot 2 by 4's are there in a 1000 board feet of lumber.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Grade 3 Math Puzzle 2006-02-08
Jayne pose la question :
The question is to use the numbers 1 through 9. They are to be placed on lines, and each group is to add up to 11. The trick is that the first 2 numbers used add to 11, then lines 2, 3 and 4; then lines 4,5 & 6; then lines 6,7 & 8; and then lines 8 and nine (it is really hard to describe. In the book, is shows circles making each group). The lines are all horizontal, and lined up to each other like:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Claude Tardif lui répond.
preuve par neuf 2006-02-08
Thonet pose la question :

Je suis enseignante en primaire en Belgique et j'aii actuellement une stagiaire étudiante qui va devoir apprendre à mes élèves comment fonctionne la preuve par 9. Elle sait expliciter concrètement celle-ci et a trouvé l'explication du pourquoi de sa fonction mais nous ne savons pas l'origine de cette application mathématique...

Qui l'a inventée ? Pourquoi ? ...
Pourriez-vous nous éclairer ?

Claude Tardif lui répond.
How many divisors does the number 138600 have? 2006-02-08
Joe pose la question :
How many divisors does the number 138600 have?
Steve La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
Concrete in a foundation 2006-02-08
Philippe pose la question :
Can you please help me determine how many cubic yard of concrete I need to purchase for a foundation that is 50' by 25.5 by 8' height and how many cubic yard would I need for the slab that is 50' by 25.5 by 0.5
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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