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8/11 of 900 2006-03-02
Cavell pose la question :
what the number is 8/11 of 900?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Volume 2006-03-02
Irene pose la question :
how do you find the volume in cubic units. i need the basic formula to help my child.
Penny Nom lui répond.
6y^10 + 19y^5 + 14 2006-03-02
Bahija pose la question :
Factor 6y10 + 19y5 + 14
Penny Nom lui répond.
25+36+12=52+m, m= 2006-03-02
Jenny pose la question :
25+36+12=52+m, m=
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
An account that earns 6% annually 2006-03-01
Christine pose la question :
How much do you have to deposit to an account that earns 6% annually if you want to earn $1200 on the account?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
soustractions avec les heures 2006-03-01
Bossedi pose la question :
Je m'appelle Bossedi et malheureusement j'ai un petit souci en ce qui concerne le calcul des heures! Je ne me rappelle plus comment s'effectue une addition ou un soustraction avec les heures comme par exemples 22h30-7h00. Merci infiniment de bien vouloir m'aider.
P.S.: Je me souviens qu'une lectrice du surnom Jennifer avait deja poser ce genre de probleme, mais avec la seule difference que dans son cas, c'etait i j'ai bonne memoire, 09h45 moins 07h52! Quelques choses de ce genre. Dois-je +tot ercire 11h30-07h00?

Claude Tardif lui répond.
A cone with an oval as base 2006-03-01
Richard pose la question :
I am trying to find the volume of a cone that is not round but oval.
Penn Nom lui répond.
Separate 35 into two parts such that 4 times the larger is 4 less than five times the smaller 2006-03-01
Barbara pose la question :
Separate 35 into two parts such that 4 times the larger is 4 less than five times the smaller
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
One worker can perform a certain job in 8 days 2006-02-28
Kenneth pose la question :
One worker can perform a certain job in 8 days, another worker in 10 days and a third worker in 12 days. In what time can all three perform it working together?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
An equilateral triangle and a regular hexagon 2006-02-28
Trevor pose la question :
An equilateral triangle and a regular hexagon have equal length perimeters. What is the ratio of their areas?
Penny Nom and Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The volume & surface area of a rectangular pyramid. 2006-02-27
Cheryl pose la question :
My daughter is working on a math project & we are having a hard time finding the volume & surface area of a rectangular pyramid. Can you help us with this?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Luke and Slim have only one horse. 2006-02-26
Emily pose la question :
Luke and Slim have only one horse. Luke rides for the agreed on distance and then ties up the horse for Slim, who has been walking. Meanwhile, Luke walks on ahead. They alternate walking and riding. If they walk 4 miles per hour, and ride 12 miles per hour, what part of the time is the horse resting?
Penny Nom lui répond.
(17-5)/3x2 2006-02-26
A student pose la question :
can you help me answer this question (17-5)/3x2
Penny Nom lui répond.
Des exercices complémentaires 2006-02-26
Nathalie pose la question :
Bonjour, mon fils est en 2e année dans une école de Montréal. Il éprouve des difficultés en mathématiques. Auriez-vous des sites à me suggérer dans lesquels je pourrait trouver des exercices complémentaires à lui faire faire.
Claude Tardif lui répond.
The path of a submarine 2006-02-26
Meadow pose la question :
Suppose that a submarine has been ordered to follow a path that keeps it equidistant from a circular island of radius r and a straight line shoreline that is 2 units from the edge of the island. Derive an equation of the submarine path, assuming that the shoreline has equation x = -p and that the center of the island is on the x-axis.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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