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Equations of two lines 2006-04-05
Wael pose la question :
Determine a cartesian equation of the line passing through A and V as a direction vector?

1- A (2;1) and V = j

2- A (2;3) and V = i

Penny Nom lui répond.
A square in a circle 2006-04-05
Lisa pose la question :
A square is inscribed in a circle. Determine the percent of the circle's area that is outside the square.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A 20 foot container 2006-04-05
Karen pose la question :
can you tell me how many cubic square meters are in a 20 foot container
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Probability of getting their stories straight 2006-04-05
Amy pose la question :
Four students drive to school in the same car. They claim they were late because they had a flat tire. Assuming they did not have a flat tire what is the probability that they all would choose the same tire if asked which one was flat.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
x-7=20 and 2x+5=17 2006-04-04
Janette pose la question :
I'm trying to help out my daughter, it has been much too long since I've been in school. The question is x-7=20 and the other question is 2x+5=17. What are the formulas?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Mastering the multiplication tables 2006-04-04
Ellie pose la question :
I need a detailed study plan fro helping my son master his multiplication tables.
Grade: 3 elementary

Paul Betts lui répond.
Is zero even or odd? 2006-04-04
Aliya pose la question :
I would like to know if zero is an odd number or even number. I remembered my kindergarten teacher saying it is an odd number. My mom and sister says it is even number.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two trig questions 2006-04-04
mandy pose la question :
I have a few questions that I need help with for my precal class in college. The following have to prove the trigonometric identities:

cos4x + 2cos2x sin2x + sin4x = 1

sin4x - cos4x = 1 - 2cos2x

thanks you,

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
2x+5y=3 And -x+3y=-7 2006-04-03
Lloyd pose la question :
simplify 2x+5y=3 And -x+3y=-7
Penny Nom lui répond.
List price plus 10% 2006-04-03
Heather pose la question :
We shipped 2 pieces of an item with a unit price of $578.74 for a total amount of $1157.48. My task is to bill the customer at LIST + 10%. What formula do I need to use to calculate this?
penny Nom lui répond.
An exponential function 2006-04-03
Meadow pose la question :
The graph of an exponential function passes through the points (0,1) and (4,10) find the constant of growth or decay. State the function.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The size of a piece of property 2006-04-02
Nancy pose la question :
My name is Nancy and we purchased a piece of property and I am trying to determine whether it is an acre or less. Could you figure this out for me.
Here are the measurements of the property:
The front is 128.02'
The back is 210'
The left side is 220'
The right side is 251.61'
I am very anxious to find out if it is over an acre.
Thank you for any help you can give.

Penny Nom lui répond.
The centre and radius of a circle 2006-04-02
Kaye pose la question :
I need to calculate Dimension E and F. I am given A, B, C, (or over all A+B+C), D, G. The radius is one continuous unknown radius. Example: A = 23.50
B = 35.50
C = 0.50
D = 11.50
G = 23.50
I have calculated this for angles but my mind is drawing a blank for the radius calculation. I can draw it but I need to put into Excel spreadsheet.

Harley Weston lui répond.
Some probability questions 2006-04-02
Amy pose la question :
I am a student and need help on some probability questions I really need your help on some problems dealing with probability. If you will show me how to do the following:
Harley Weston lui répond.
Wes and Tony live 360 km apart. 2006-04-01
Thiru pose la question :
Wes and Tony live 360 km apart. If Wes travels at 80 km/h towards Tony. And Tony travels at 100 km/h towards Wes, how long will it take before they meet.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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