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1/x + 1/y 2006-08-11
Sonya pose la question :
what is 1/x+1/y = ? is it equal to 1/x+y or what?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A problem with exponents 2006-08-09
A student pose la question :
(8a to the negative 2 b cube c to the negative 4/4a squared b to the negative 3 c squared) to the negative 2
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
How old would i be in minutes 2006-08-09
Mariah pose la question :
i would like to know how old would i be in minutes if i was thirteen years old including leap years
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Find x 2006-08-08
Lucas pose la question :

is it possible to circle x when a question says find x? is that the answer or is that just being a smart ass?

i was wondering if that is the real answer and could I get full marks for it in a test?

Claude Tardif lui répond.
A triangle problem 2006-08-06
A student pose la question :
A triangle is such that its medium side is twice as long as its shortest side, and its longest side is three times as long as its shortest side. The perimeter of the triangle is 54 yards. What are the lengths of the three sides?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a lot 2006-08-05
Lyn pose la question :
I have no idea how to find the square feet of an uneven polygon. I am in the process of making a land agreement and need to know.
Please tell me how to figure out the footage and acreage of land as follows.
road-front 360'
back 360'
left side 220'
right side 180'

Penny Nom lui répond.
HCF and LCM 2006-08-05
Bharath pose la question :
The HCF and LCM of polynomials p(x) and q(x) are h and l respectively and p(x) + q(x) = h + l, show that
[p(x)]2 + [q(x)]2 = h2 + l2

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Converting sq ft to sq meters 2006-08-03
JB pose la question :
I would like to convert 2700 square feet into square meters.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A cube inscribed in a sphere 2006-08-03
Glenn pose la question :
Given the diameter of the sphere 10cm. find the largest cube inscribe in the sphere.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
x+ 6 / 3 = x+ 6 / x 2006-08-01
Lynne pose la question :
x+ 6 / 3 = x+ 6 / x
How do I solve this equation?

Penny Nom lui répond.
A point on a bicycle rim 2006-08-01
Sonu pose la question :
Find the speed in m/s of a point on a bicycle rim of diameter 88cm making 200 revolutions per minute.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Gallons of water in a well 2006-07-31
Martha pose la question :
I have a shallow water well that is 30 feet in depth.

I have 8 feet of water in the well.

The water well is a 30 inch in diameter.

My question : How many gallons of water is in my tank?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Power walking 2006-07-30
Wendy pose la question :
I have an exercise routine of 'power walking', approx. 5-6 days per week. I carry a pedometer with me during these walks so that I can keep track of the distance of each walk. I've created a weekly walking chart on my computer, so each time I get back from a walk, I enter my stats, such as kilometers and miles walked that day, as well as my start and finish time. At the end of each week, before I printed out my completed chart, I would calculate out what my average walking distance was, for that particular week.

At the end of each month, I would calculate:
[1] I'd add up my total kilometers and miles walked for that month. (a no brainer ~ I could do that one!)
**But also, I would work out the percentages of the following:
[A] What my average daily distance p/walk was, for that month
[B] What my average time spent, per walk was, for that month

Penny Nom lui répond.
An Integral 2006-07-30
Aniket pose la question :

I am Aniket studing in 12 th standard At Mumbai
I have following integration problem please give me a solution

integral of 1/under root of (5x2 - 2x) dx

Penny Nom lui répond.
Find the radius knowing the chord length and... 2006-07-28
Jim pose la question :
If I know the length of a chord and its distance from the diameter, how do I calculate the radius of the circle?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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