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Constructing a cone 2006-09-20
Suresh pose la question :
i want to know the required size of plate for cone rolling,sizes are 2950mm is bottom dia,894 is top dia and 600 is height.I have already read u r answers but i little bit confused ,harely and sue have given useful answers but when i worked both method the required plate size is different. so i like to know which method is easy and correct.and also i like know whether it can be rolled without segment my rolling machine width is 1500.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Cubic yards of sand 2006-09-20
Michael pose la question :
How many compacted cubic yards of sand are there in 40 acres of land at a depth of 20 feet?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
How do I determine the acreage? 2006-09-20
Charlene pose la question :
I have a survey of property with various points on it; how do I determine the acreage?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How much water it will hold? 2006-09-20
Doug pose la question :
I have thirty feet of piping that is two inches in diameter and I want to know how much water it will hold and the equation for solving the answer.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The length of the third side of a 45 degree Isosceles triangle 2006-09-20
Rusty pose la question :
what is the formula to determine the length of the third side of a 45 degree Isosceles triangle?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How large is the property? 2006-09-20
Jahn pose la question :
a triangular lot has 750 feet on one side of a 90-degree angle and 500 feet on the other side of the angle. how large is the property?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Equivalent fractions 2006-09-20
Sarah pose la question :
I am the aunt of a 5th grader and we were doing math homework and the question was What is the equivalent decimal for .05 and 2.875? I am college education and was completely stumped. Please Help. Thought the question should have been what is the equivalent fraction.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Is this unsolvable? 2006-09-19
Al pose la question :
Is this unsolvable???

2xy + 3x^2 - 3y + y^3 = 4x + 3 where y=3.
Penny Nom and Claude Tardif lui répond.

A rectangular tank 2006-09-19
Milton pose la question :
What size rectangular tank will I need to hold 841.5 gallons of water. The water level is 3'-0" from the bottom of tank.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The square footage of my property 2006-09-17
Jack pose la question :
I have been trying to calculate the square footage of my property, without success. The measurements are below. Is there a simple formula that can be used based upon the outside parameters? Or, is there a simple way to calculate the square footage?
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
A three-digit number multiplied by 7, then 11, then 13 2006-09-17
Sherrie pose la question :
why is it true that a three-digit number multiplied by 7, then 11, then 13 will result in the three digits repeated twice?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Parameters 2006-09-15
Chase pose la question :
What is the meaning of the word "parameters" when used in reference to Algebra.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The length of 2 sides of a triangle 2006-09-15
Lonnie pose la question :
I need to know how to figure the length of 2 sides of a triangle, as the following example:

The length of the bottom is 12' and the angles are 45, 45 I need to know how long the other 2 sides must be to get an angle of 90 at the top.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.

The area of a quadrilateral 2006-09-14
A student pose la question :
How can i find the area of a quadrilateral?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Convert a standard form to a slope intercept form 2006-09-14
Maiko pose la question :
I need to know step by step procedures to convert a standard form to a slope intercept form?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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