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A specific 8 digit number in a 11 digit mobile phone number 2006-10-13
James pose la question :
I need to know the chance of finding a specific 8 digit number in a 11 digit mobile phone number. the number must be 29571596 and the 11 digit phone number must end in this. All numbers 0-9 are used in a mobile number but the first 2 digits will always be 07. Is there a way to work this out??
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A problem involving a quadrilateral 2006-10-13
Jeff pose la question :
In the quadrilateral above, AB=AC=AD. If angle BCA = 65, then x=???
Penny Nom lui répond.
Replace the blanks with + or - to make the statement correct 2006-10-13
Molly pose la question :
Hi my name is molly, and I have a question I can't answer and need your help. I am a student. This is the qustion:
Try to replace the blanks below with + or - to make the statement correct
1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9 = 1

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Two gears 2006-10-12
A student pose la question :
gear a on the left has 18 teeth and gear b on the left has 8 teeth. suppose gear b makes one complete rotation in the counterclockwise direction. give the angle of rotation and direction for the rotation of gear a.
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
Solving a linear equation 2006-10-12
Eriona pose la question :
6p-5=17. I have to solve the equation.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Place value 2006-10-12
Sue pose la question :
We have extended the place value chart out 14 places and want to know what comes after hundred trillions?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Determine the width and height 2006-10-12
Roshawn pose la question :
If I am given the length of 73" and the girth of 11" and am trying to determine the width and height. How would I do this?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
How many 1 square 3/8 thick pieces of steel can you get from one cubic foot of steel? 2006-10-12
Jana pose la question :
How many 1 square 3/8 thick pieces of steel can you get from one cubic foot of steel?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
How many students are in the class? 2006-10-12
Lillian pose la question :
There is one more boy than girls in the class, how many students in all?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The area of regular pentagon inscribed in a circle 2006-10-12
Admire pose la question :
i need help on how to find area of regular pentagon inscribed in a circle of radius 8cm
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
Plotting percentage change 2006-10-11
Beckie pose la question :
I have worked out a set of percentage differences which are all percentage decrease. Should i express them as a negative percentage as -20%? I also need to plot them on a graph and am not sure whether to just use the percentage difference as it is, in which case i get a positive gradient, or include a negative axis and plot them in this way, in which case i would get a negative gradient. I think the slope of the curve will be the same either way so it might not matter!
Penny lui répond.
How do you write a variable expression 2006-10-11
Josh pose la question :
How do you write a variable expression for the following:

The amount of money Waldo has if he has $10 more than Joe and

How much weight Kirk can lift if he lifts 30 lbs more than his brother.

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
2/3 as a percentage 2006-10-10
Marlene pose la question :
2/3 is what percentage of a circle?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Is a circle a regular shape? 2006-10-10
David pose la question :
Is a circle a regular shape or an irregular shape?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
I have a 3000 sq ft house ... 2006-10-10
Ann pose la question :
I have a 3000 sq ft house and need to use flea foggers. Each fogger treats 6000 cubic feet. How many do I need?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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