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Induction 2006-10-31
Ross pose la question :
Suppose that A and B are square matrices with the property AB= BA. Show that AB^n = B^n A for every positive integer n.
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of an irregular hexagon 2006-10-30
Ashish pose la question :
I want to find out area of an irregular HEXAGON in square feet, whose sides are as follows,
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Selling Price using Profit Margin 2006-10-29
Chris pose la question :
What is the selling price of my inventory, find using the profit margin? Inventory A costs $2,300. The profit margin is 55% Inventory B cost is $4,500. The profit margin is 210%.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The surface area of a triangular prism? 2006-10-29
Amanda pose la question :
What is the formula for the surface area of a triangular prism?
Haley Ess lui répond.
The sum of 2000 consecutive integers is 1000 2006-10-29
Matias pose la question :
if the sum of 2000 consecutive integers is 1000, then the sum digits of the greatest of these 2000 integers is?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three consecutive integers 2006-10-29
Jimmy pose la question :
Basically i want to know how you prove that the product of any 3 consecutive integers is a multiple of 6
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The real numbers with decimal representations consisting of all 1s. 2006-10-29
Ivessa pose la question :
Determine if the following set is countable or uncountable : the real numbers with decimal representations consisting of all 1s.
Steve La Rocque and Walter Whiteley lui répond.
The distance from a point to a line in 3 space 2006-10-29
Marie pose la question :
find the distance from the point (1, -2, -3) to the line x = y = z-2
Penny Nom lui répond.
An octagonal deck 2006-10-29
R.M. pose la question :
I am building an octagon deck and I want to know what length to cut the outside boards.The overall is 12ft. wide.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Zero as an exponent 2006-10-28
Don pose la question :
Any real number (except zero) to the zero power equals 1 correct?
Question: If for example x to the zero power equals 1
What is -x to the zero power equal to?
What is -(x) to the zero power equal to?

Penny Nom lui répond.
An odd number of factors 2006-10-28
Anthony pose la question :
What is the common name used for numbers that have an odd number of factors? This answer should be a two word answer only.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
How many sequences are possible? 2006-10-28
Sam pose la question :
A fair eight-faced die with faces numbered 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8 is tossed six times and the sequence of numbers is recorded. How many sequences are possible?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How much labor should the firm employ? 2006-10-28
Christy pose la question :
A dressmaking firm has a production function of Q=L-L(squared)/800. Q is the number of dresses per week and L is the number of labor hours per week. Additional cost of hiring an extra hour of labor is $20. The fixed selling price is P=$40. How much labor should the firm employ? What is the resulting output and profit? I am having a difficult time with this, HELP!
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
LCM and HCF 2006-10-28
Henry pose la question :
Is there a unique solution to the question: If the LCM and HCF of two numbers are 180 and 15 respectively, what are the two numbers? I got 45 and 60. I got a feeling there are others.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Direct and Inverse variation 2006-10-27
Vishalinee pose la question :

i'm not sure how to use the words direct variation and inverse variation to describe thre relationship between:

a. speed and distance
b.speed and time
c. distance and time.

and then i need to create equations using the descriptions. i am really messed up with direct and inverse variation.

Karen McIver lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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