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Profit margin 2006-11-04
Beverly pose la question :
Our costs to make a product is $73.00. We want to sell this product and make a 30 percent profit margin. What is the selling price? What is the simple formula to follow? Is there a chart we can go to that shows us these percentage of profit breakdowns
Penny Nom lui répond.
Newton meters and ft-lbs 2006-11-04
Michael pose la question :
What is the correlation between Newton meters and ft-lbs of torque? If an engine has 100ft-lbs of torque,what would that equate to in Newton meters?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Going from one town to another 2006-11-04
Austin pose la question :
Going from one town to another,a man drives his car at 35 miles an hour and returning he drives at 25 miles an hour. the round trip takes 6 hours. Find the distance between the towns.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
4/7x+3=15 2006-11-04
Ashley pose la question :
Solve 4/7x+3=15
Penny Nom lui répond.
tan1/2x + cot1/2x = 2cscx 2006-11-04
Jazmin pose la question :
Prove tan1/2x + cot1/2x = 2cscx
Penny Nom lui répond.
ESL and math-speak 2006-11-03
Matt pose la question :
My name is Matt and I am an ESL teacher in Korea. Recently I have begun tutoring a student who will be going to Canada soon as a 9th grade student. She is a very capable student and is concerned that her mathematical abilities outstrip her ability to communicate in English. I am writing mainly to inquire what level of math-speak I should teach to this student. For instance: should I be explaining geometric terms, or simply algebra? And if algebra, should I include complex numbers and the quadratic formula? If there are things that she will be taught in Canada, I'd prefer her to learn them firsthand from a math teacher. However, knowledge that she will be presumed to have I would like to teach.
Karen McIver lui répond.
The semester grade 2006-11-03
Caroline pose la question :
Can you tell me how to calculate a grade based on a percentage formula where 15 assignments account for 40% of the grade and 3 tests account for 60% of the semester grade.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The sum of two numbers is 30 2006-11-03
GG pose la question :
The sum of two numbers is 30 and the product of the same two numbers is 221. Find the two numbers.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
y = |x| - 10 2006-11-03
Pam pose la question :
what is the process for finding the vertex point for an equation such as this, y= |x| - 10.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Where did the extra unit come from? 2006-11-03
Daniel pose la question :
There are two triangles each with a base of 8, a height of 3 and an area of 12 units squared and two trapezoids, each with a one parallel side that is 3 and one that is 5 and a height of making it have an area of 20 units squared. When arranged in a 8x8 square then the total area is 64 units squared, but when arranged in a 5x13 rectangle the total area is 65 units squared, where did the extra unit come from?
Haley Ess lui répond.
3x+4y+7x+9+2 2006-11-03
Chavon pose la question :
3x+4y+7x+9+2 I don't get it please help
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Kilowatts and Horsepower 2006-11-03
Michael pose la question :
How many Kilowatts=1 Horsepower or Horsepower=1 Kilowatt?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A dinner group of 16 couples 2006-11-02
Nancy pose la question :
This is a real-world problem. I should know the answer but I don't. A friend is starting a dinner group of 16 couples, to be distributed across 4 houses. Each month she wants to have a different set of host houses (no problem) AND she doesn't want repeats among pairs. That is, if the Smiths and Joneses are together one month, they should not be together another month until all the combinations have been exhausted. How many valid combinations are there? Is there a formula that I can convert into a computer program? I will have to get the names from my friend and give her back the combinations as she would not be able to deal with the math formulation.
Denis Hanson lui répond.
What's 3x squared? 2006-11-02
Cath pose la question :
What's 3x squared?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Les cinq ligner de chiffre 2006-11-02
Alex pose la question :

comment faire pour trouver les cinq ligner de chiffre apres les avoir observer les sept premiere


Claude Tardif lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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