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Finding the x-intercept 2007-03-02
Ash pose la question :
Gabriel Potter lui répond.
Grams to millilitres 2007-03-02
anton pose la question :
I am trying to convert 28 grams of weight loss powder into mils
Gabriel Potter lui répond.
y = f(x) and y = 2f(x-6) 2007-03-02
carl pose la question :
if P(4,-5) is a point on the graph of the function y=f(x), find the corresponding point on the graph of y=2f(x-6).
Penny Nom lui répond.
Is c relatively prime to (n.p)? 2007-03-02
Andrew pose la question :
Please could you help me with a small mathematics problem?! I've put = the problem into three parts but it isn't really three problems; just = one! Given:- {[(n.p)^p] / [c + (n.p)]} =3D "an integer" (where c > = (n.p); c and n are integers, n is even and p is an odd prime number) Can one prove that c cannot be relatively prime to (n.p)? { i.e. c = must have the factor (n.p) ?} If so, is the converse also true? {i.e. If c is relatively prime to = (n.p), then [c + (n.p)] cannot be a factor of (n.p)^p ?} Lastly but similarly, if c is relatively prime to a and c > a > = (n.p) ; (c - a) > (n.p) **; and c is not relatively prime to (n.p) = would it be true that (c - a) cannot be a factor (n.p)^p ? I hope my question makes sense?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Mutually exclusive events 2007-03-01
kalyssa pose la question :
will you me an example of two events that are mutually exclusive and could you explain to me what mutually exclusive means?
Steve La Rocque, Pam Fowler and Penny Nom lui répond.
How many yards of concrete? 2007-02-28
jeremy pose la question :
I need to figure how many yards of concrete to use. I work for an asphalt company, and we are expanding into concrete. Currently we measure everything in sq. ft. So we came up with 6,960 sq ft of concrete to remove and replace. Currently there is 6" of concrete, and 2" of bedding material. We would like to replace only 4.5" of concrete, the rest in bedding. Here is how I figured, am I correct. 6,960 Sq ft (to simplify I made the Sq ft 350 X 20 ) 350 ft X 20 ft X .33 (1/3 ft or 4") = 2,310 cubic feet 2,310 cb ft / 27 = 85.55 cubic yards Is this correct?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The height of a triangle 2007-02-28
A parent pose la question :
The side of a triangle is 16 inches. The base of the triangle is 8 inches. How tall is the triangle?
Penny Nom and Brennan Yaremko lui répond.
Range in statistics 2007-02-28
Steve pose la question :
I was wondering if the range is considered as a positive or negative number, or does it ignore such indications?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Qui suis-je? 2007-02-28
un parent pose la question :
bonjour, le problème est le suivant : Qui suis-je? Mon tiers augmenté de mes deux cinquième est égal à la moitié de mon triple Serez t'il possible d'avoir la solution à ce problème et que je puisse y comprendre un peu quelque chose quand même Je vous remercie d'avance et espère bientôt vous lire
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Simultaneous equations with fractions 2007-02-28
Alyca pose la question :
Hello Math Central, I am a grade 10 student taking Academic math. Our unit right now is method of substitution and elimination. I'm stuck on this one question that I've been doing forever. Please help =)

*For this equation I have to do method of elimination, but it's so much harder with fractions...could some one please explain to me how to do it step by step?*
x y 2
-- - -- = - --
3 6 3

x y 1
-- - -- = 1---
12 4 2

Steve La Rocque and Ashley Mang lui répond.
sin(3a), cos(3a) and tan(3a) 2007-02-28
mailene pose la question :
hi, i...indeed,to..need..your..help
tan3a=3tan-tan^3a /1-3tan^2a


Haley Ess and Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a decagon 2007-02-28
heather pose la question :
how do i find the apothem and area of a decagon that has a perimeter of 60?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The intersection of two lines 2007-02-28
Tamara pose la question :
I was told to make a graph to help solve this question. I was given two equations. One was x-2y=3 and the other was 2x+y=-4. We have to change it to the equation of the line format. Then we graph the line and find the point where they meet. I've been trying to do that, but when i check the answer, It turns out wrong. It's meeting in the wrong spot. I need help please.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Parallel lines 2007-02-27
Jennifer pose la question :
How to you decide whether the graphs of these two equations are parallel linse: y=3x+2, y=1/3x+4
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
Adding fractions 2007-02-27
real pose la question :
A person spends 3/7 of her monthly earnings on rent and 1/7 on food. How Much does she spend on food and rent? how much does she have left? How do u work out these questions
Pam Fowler lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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