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A stem and leaf plot 2007-03-14
Hazel pose la question :
Hi, I wanna ask about my son's homework re: reading stem and leaf plots. It's really hard for me to understand about this..please show me how. Ex. Number of dogs competing in dog shows

Stem Leaf
1 62024
2 5295
3 166
4 05

1. What was the least number of dogs at a dog show?
2.What was the greatest number of dogs at a dog show?
3. How many dogs shows are reported in the stem and leaf plot? thanks...Hazel

Penny Nom lui répond.
Greatest common divisor 2007-03-14
Marie pose la question :
How do I prove this? Let h be the greatest common divisor of the positive integers a and b. Show that there exist integers p and q (not necessarily positive) such that pa + qb = h. Thanks
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many marbles are Red and how many marbles are White? 2007-03-13
Angie pose la question :
A jar has 16 marbles in it. Most of the marbles are Red and the rest are White. Two marbles are taken out of the jar at the same time. It is equally probable that two marbles are of the same colour as the two marbles of different colour (that is the probability that they are both red or both white is the same as they are different). How many marbles are Red and how many marbles are White? Could anyone help me with the above question? Best regards, Angie
Danny Dyer lui répond.
A regular quadrilateral 2007-03-13
Jackie pose la question :
How can the measure of each angle of a regular quadrilateral be determined?
Haley Ess lui répond.
Angle of elevation 2007-03-13
Joslyn pose la question :
A ship at sea sights a 12m high lighthouse on a cliff which is 80m above sea level. If the angle of elevation to the top of the lighthouse is 27 degrees, calculate the distance from the ship to the shore.
Haley Ess lui répond.
How many different combinations of players can the coach make? 2007-03-13
lisa pose la question :
there are 8 basketball players on a team. only 5 can play on the court at 1 time. how many different combinations of players can the coach make. the book said the ans. was 56 I do not know how that was please show me how to solve it. thanks
Penny Nom lui répond.
Kicking a field goal 2007-03-13
san pose la question :
A football player attempts a field goal by kicking the football. The ball follows the path modelled by the equation h= -4.9^2+10t+3, where h is the height of the ball above the ground in metres, and t is the time since the ball was kicked in seconds. *the ball must clear the uprights for the field goal to count. The uprights are approximately 5 m high. How long does the ball stay above 5 m in height?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Sketch the graph of the hyperbola and its asymptotes 2007-03-13
Katrina pose la question :
Given (y-2) ^2 – x^2/4 =1 do the following: Sketch the graph of the hyperbola and its asymptotes. Label the vertices on the graph I attached the graph thanks for your help!
Penny Nom lui répond.
Using complex numbers 2007-03-12
Kara pose la question :
Do you use complex numbers in your job?
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
exponential decay of Carbon-14 2007-03-12
Christine pose la question :
How do I set up the exponential decay formula for Carbon 14 with an initial amount of 1500 grams.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A roadway over a river 2007-03-12
Taranjeet pose la question :
My teacher has given us bridge with only one measurement. From the river to the roadway is 50 metres in length (vertically) The question he wants us to find out is. What is the distance between the vertical supports. He has said that: At a horizontal distance of 'x' metres from the foot of the arch the height of the arch, the height of the arch above the river 'h' metres is given by: h=-1/40(x squared) = 3x I don't understand how to find the distance between the support beams. Thank you
Penny Nom lui répond.
x^3 - 3kx + 1 = 0 2007-03-11
Sandra pose la question :
Show that x^3 - 3kx + 1 = 0 does not have two distinct roots when k < 0.
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
(x+2) is a factor of x^3+bx^2-14x+24. Find the value of b? 2007-03-11
victoria pose la question :
hi my names victoria and i have been stuck on this question for ages can you please help me! (x+2) is a factor of x^3+bx^2-14x+24. Find the value of b?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A trig limit 2007-03-11
Lo pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
Permutations 2007-03-11
Meghan pose la question :
Hello, I'm working on the beginning of the combinatorics unit in Math 12 in BC. We just looked at using the nPr or n!/(n-r)! formula.

My questions for homework that I didn't quite understand how to do were:

Solve each equation for n. 1) nP2 = 90
2) 6Pn = 720

I managed to do these in my head, but I'm not sure how to solve these algebraically.

Thanks for all your help! -Meghan

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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