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How many yards of soil is 55 quarts? 2007-03-20
Claudette pose la question :
Costco sells bags of dirt in the quantity "55 quarts".. This makes no sense to me. How many yards of soil is 55 quarts? Thanks!
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Compound interest 2007-03-20
cos pose la question :
how much would $2000 be at the end of 1 yr. at a daily compounded interest rate of 3% be? the 3% is not yearly but daily. thank you very much for your help!!
Penny Nom lui répond.
28 golfers playing golf over 7 days 2007-03-20
ian pose la question :
I have 28 golfers playing golf over 7 days I would like everybody to play with each other at least once Is there a schedule? Thank you Ian
Penny Nom lui répond.
Write the interval in absolute value notation 2007-03-20
Timothy pose la question :
1. Write interval in absolute value notation
i) xE[0,9]
ii) xE[-2,20]

Penny Nom lui répond.
A hexagonal prism 2007-03-20
makiya pose la question :
i need help trying to find the surface area and the volume of a hexigon that has an edgde length of 6cm and a hieght of 12 cm i allready know how do do this by breaking it into triangles and finging the surface area and the volume that way i just need to know how to find a faster formuly that aplies to just hexigons thanks makiya
Penny Nom lui répond.
18x - 5 = 3(6x - 2) 2007-03-19
Lordyne pose la question :
How do I work this math problem? 18x - 5 = 3(6x - 2)
Pam Fowler and Penny Nom lui répond.
Find the length and width of the football field 2007-03-19
Bobbi pose la question :
The Length of a football field is 67 yards greater than the width. The perimeter of the field is 346 yards. Find the length and width of the football field
Haley Ess lui répond.
Approximate average speeds 2007-03-19
Anne pose la question :
A bicyclist pedaled up a 2 mile long hill averaging 4 miles per hour. Upon reaching the top, the bicyclist headed down a 6 mile descent averaging 26 mph. What was the bicyclist's approximate average speed? Thanks very much in advance!!
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
How many hours will it take to fill completely? 2007-03-19
Leslie pose la question :
If a rectangular prism measures 8" and measures 12" by 16", what is it's volume? If after 8 hours the prism is 6" full, how long will it take to fill and how many hours will it take to fill completely?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
How do I extract 14% 2007-03-19
Richard pose la question :
I need to find the calculation to answer this;

I have the figure 379.28, how do I extract 14% from this figure

to extract 17.5% I div by 6.714, however i cannot find the formula on how to do this an extract 14%

Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
A one pass calculation of standard deviation 2007-03-19
Murtaza pose la question :
Hi I searched the listings but couldn't find what i am looking for. I have a dataset and i am allowed only 1 pass through it. At the end of this pass i must have the mean and standard deviation. Calculating the mean is easy as also demonstrated in your listings. I think the same can be done for standard deviation as well. But the doubt that i have is this :- Will the calculated standard deviation be sequence dependent ? i.e. if i change the order in which the data items enter the system, will the std deviation also change ?? Thanks in advance Murtaza
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two consecutive odd numbers 2007-03-19
Alicia pose la question :
The sum of two consecutive odd numbers is divisible by 4.

Can you make similar statements about the sum of three consecutive odd numbers and of four consecutive odd numbers? Generalize your findings.

I tried :
n= smallest odd number therefore the next = n, n+2 and the second =n+4 and the third = n+6 Now n+ n+2+n+4+n+6/4
Please help I am not sure of this I am just trying

Penny Nom lui répond.
Three equations in three unknowns 2007-03-18
Shawna pose la question :
You are told that you are working with three different numbers. When the first number is added to twice the other two numbers, the result s 64( i.e x+2y+2z= 64). When the second number is added to twice the other two numbers the result is 62 (y+2x+2z=6). Finally, when the third number is added to twice the other two numbers, the resut is 59 z+2x+2y=59) Determine the three numbers?
Penny Nom lui répond.
n-1/(n+1)! + n+1/n! 2007-03-18
Cody pose la question :
How do you go about simplifying something like this; n-1/(n+1)! + n+1/n!?
Steve La Rocque and Claude Tardif lui répond.
A triangle 2007-03-18
Farzana pose la question :
pointsA(1,0),B(8,0),C(3,4) are the vertices of a triangle.What is the of this triangle?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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