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The size of a parabolic transmitter/receiver 2007-03-26
Evan pose la question :
I am making a parabola for my home wireless LAN. I feel pretty confident that I can make a parabolic trough that will work. But I am curious about size. Is there really any advantage to using a deep (more depth) parabolic shape over a shallow one as long as you use the correct focal point. And is bigger better? I know that my parabola has to be bigger than the waves it is getting which wont be a problem but if I make the diameter bigger does it get more effective or is there such a thing as "too much of a good thing"? I have looked everywhere for an answer and have come up short. Thanks!
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Simplifying an expression in probability 2007-03-26
Natasha pose la question :
well it is p(4) = 5! ------ X (0.5) ^4 X (1- 0.5)^5-4 = 0.15625 4!(5-4)! Now the ^ is to the power of (I believe) Its written in the book as (1-0.5)4 (but the 4 is little and on the top right corner of the first bracket now the second ^5-4 is also little on the top right corner of the 2nd bracket. This is an equation from my text book but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to solve it. If you can give me step by step procedure I'd like that. The answer is also there I just don't know how to get to the answer. Thank you.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The area of an irregular pentagon 2007-03-26
grace pose la question :
hi I am doing graphics and need to find the area of the section given to us (it is just drawn). the sides measure 15m, 35.4m, 5m, 17.8m, 35.7m. the angle between the 15m side and the 35.4m side is 17degrees, the angle between the 35.4m side and the 5m side is 73degrees. the angle between the 5m side and the 17.8m side is 151degrees, the angle between the 17.8m side and the 35.7m side is 90degrees and the angle between the 35.7m side and the 15m side is 95degrees. if you could tell me the area i would be extremely grateful. thanks very much.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Inscribed square in inscribed circle 2007-03-25
Confuzzled pose la question :
"The largest possible circle is drawn inside a square. Then the largest possible square is drawn inside this circle. What is the area of the inner square as a fraction of the area of the outer square?"
This is a question from the Grade 8 Gauss contest and I don't know how to work it out without drawing it. My teacher says it's possible but I still don't get it. Please help!!!

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Painting a pool 2007-03-25
vincent pose la question :
Determine the total cost to put 2 coats of paint on the interior pool and amount of water needed to fill pool

a gallon of paint will cover 50 square feet and cost $18.00 the pool will be filled when water is leveled 6" from the top of pool there are approximately 7.48 gallons of water per cubic foot Rectangle shape pool 36.0 long and 20.0 wide from top

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A hexagon with an area of 36 2007-03-24
shell pose la question :
the formula for a hexagon with the area of 36 or close to that
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Friction of a skier 2007-03-24
William pose la question :
An olympic skier moving at 20.0 m/s down a 30 degree slope encounters a region of wet snow and slides 145m before coming to a halt. What is the coefficient of friction between the skis and the snow?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Four people in a car 2007-03-24
shannon pose la question :
If there are 4 people in a car and only 1 can drive how many possible ways the the people sit in the car?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The distance between two fire towers 2007-03-23
tony pose la question :
Two fire towers are 30km apart, tower A is due west of tower B. A fire is spotted from the towers, and the bearing from A and B are N76degreesE and N56degreesW, respectively. Find the distance from the fire to the straight line connecting tower A to tower B.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A linear system 2007-03-23
Adam pose la question :
Solve the system by graphing:

Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
Graphing a line 2007-03-23
mitchell pose la question :
Graph each equation. y = 2x + 4
Jaymi Peterson and Haley Ess lui répond.
The volume of a hopper 2007-03-23
amitesh pose la question :
Let me know how to calculate the tonnage of hopper / bins / chutes of different sizes and dimensions.
Penny Nom lui répond.
An inheritance problem 2007-03-23
Carl pose la question :
A father of 3 boys, who owns 17 horses dies. He leaves his first son 1/2 of the horses. The sons hate each other. The father leaves the second son 1/3 of the horses. They are ready to kill each other. He leaves his youngest son 1/6 of the horses. Without cutting the horses into pieces how do they split the horses? I heard this puzzle when I was 12 years old. 1968 The preacher rides up on his horse and said "If I give you my horse will you quit fighting ? They agree to stop fighting?" Why?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The law of cosines 2007-03-23
chetna pose la question :
Q 1) In triangle LMN, l=7, m=5 , n=4. find ANGLE N. After applying the rule and substituting values i'm getting Cos n= 58/40. Is there something wrong. The answer at the back of the book is 34 degrees.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The game of 24 2007-03-22
Britney pose la question :
I have a math problem with the game 24. I am not sure how to solve it. You can use +, -, multiplication, division, ( ), square root, and exponents. Please help me. The numbers are 1, 6, 7 and 8. You have to use all the numbers and you can only use them once.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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