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What is the square root of 729 to the third power? 2007-04-25
Tori pose la question :
What is the square root of 729 to the third power?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Who am I? 2007-04-24
Lisa pose la question :
I am the largest two digit number whose units digit divides its tens digit evenly. Who am I?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Sand, stone and cement 2007-04-24
Vijai pose la question :
I have a room with the following dimensions: length=14 feet, width =20 feet and I'd like to pour a floor 6 inches high. What ratio of sand, stone and cement is needed to cover this area. I would really appreciate your help.
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the Sales Tax? and Shipping? 2007-04-24
Mark pose la question :
1 Item $4020.44 1 Item $1749.86 1 Item $11455.62

Total 17,225.92

The sales tax and shipping is included in the total. The sales tax rate is 8.75% What is the Sales Tax? and Shipping?

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
0.68 acres 2007-04-24
Tina pose la question :
What shape would an 0.68 acre parcel have to be, if you were going to make is as straight as possible?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Linear programming 2007-04-24
Sylvia pose la question :
What is graphing linear programming?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A triangle problem 2007-04-23
Dimitri pose la question :
In the triangle ABC, M is the midpoint of AB and N is the midpoint of AC. Prove that CM and BN cannot bisect. (I can prove it by contradiction if it is a scalene triangle, but i cant seem to prove it for isosceles)
Chris Fisher lui répond.
How much water is in the pool 2007-04-23
Kayla pose la question :
how much water is in a pool which is 10m x 5m and is 1.5m to 2.5m in depth?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A growing heap of sand: related rates 2007-04-23
Charles pose la question :
Sand falls on to a horizontal ground at the rate of 9m ^ 3 per second and forms a heap in the shape of a right circular cone with vertical angle 60. Show that 10 seconds after the sand begins to fall, the rate at which the radius of the pile is increasing is 3 ^ (1/3) * (4/pi) ^ (1/3) m per minute.
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
Find the percentage of the students that are here? 2007-04-23
C. pose la question :
If there are 260 students on roll and 11 of them are absent, how do i find the percentage of the students that are here?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
How can I find out how many sides there are? 2007-04-23
gn pose la question :
I know the angle measurements of a convex polygon. They are congruent angles. How can I find out how many sides there are?
Steve La Rocque, Penny Nom and Walter Whiteley lui répond.
The size of a freezer 2007-04-23
Jacqui pose la question :
How many can packages can fit? I have a freezer that is 7cf. But it contains a little tray component. The freezer measurements without the tray is(bear with me, I'm not good with LxWxD) 23 across x 16 W x 25 deep (I'm assuming depth) and the tray is 8 across x 16 w x 15 D. We are trying to see how many 9 L x 6 W x 3.5 D packages can fit in the freezer. Please help me. I'm getting app. 60. I need 84 to be able to fit.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Physics/Temperature Change 2007-04-22
William pose la question :
A 3.00 x 10^-3 kg lead bullet travels at a speed of 2.40 x 10^2 m/s and hits a wooden post. If half the heat energy generated remains with the bullet, what is the increase in temperature of the embedded bullet? (specific heat of lead = 1.28 x 10^2 J/kg)
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A bag of mulch 2007-04-22
John pose la question :
I have a bag of mulch that contains two cubic feet of mulch. If I speard it out at a height of one inch, in a three foot wide flower bed - how feet can I cover?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
What is the speed of the boat? 2007-04-22
Sonja pose la question :
A boat on a river travels downstream between two points, 20 miles apart, in one hour. The return trip against the current takes 2 1/2 hours. What is the speed of the boat? The answer in the book says 14 mi/hr, but I don't understand how to figure it out. It must be very simple, but I'm stuck. Thank you so much for helping me out. This is a FANTASTIC website! -Sonja
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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