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Finding a parabola's equation by looking at its graph 2007-04-30
Kenzie pose la question :
The graph shows an arrow going upward crossing at the -2 on the x line and crossing the 3 on the x line and the vertex on the -6 on the y line.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A couch sliding off a truck 2007-04-30
William pose la question :
A couch with a mass of 1 X 10^2kg is placed on an adjustable ramp connected to a truck. As one end of the ramp is raised, the couch begins to move downward. If the couch slides down the ramp with an acceleration of .70 meters per second when the ramp angle is 25 degrees, what is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the ramp and couch? I drew a force diagram and if I did it correctly I identified the forces involved as "mg" (mass x gravity), "Fn" (normal force) and the "Ff" (frictional force). I know that we have the couch sliding down the ramp a .70 m/s but I don't think this a force and I'm not sure how this info fits into the problem. I know that the formula for calculating the coefficient of friction is Ff/Fn. Based upon the force diagram I drew and calculated Fn to be 1082N. I can't seem to get past this point. How do I determine what the frictional force is?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
What is the origin of pi? 2007-04-30
Aastha pose la question :
from where has been tha value of "pi" derived? or what is the origin of "pi"
Penny Nom lui répond.
Course grades 2007-04-30
vince pose la question :
Question from vince, a student:

If you have 5 tests and the grades are 78,80,88,60,75 what is your Earn Point for the tests

earn points= average times percent

Penny Nom lui répond.
Le pourcentage en +ou en- que représent la diférence de 2 nombres 2007-04-29
Jean pose la question :
pouvez vous me donner la formule pour trouver le pourcentage en +ou en- que représent la diférence de 2 nombres ex: 8594 et 7634
Claude Tardif lui répond.
I have N data points in m-dimensional space 2007-04-29
Sid pose la question :
Hi, Given below is the problem that I am facing: I have N data points in m-dimensional space. I know the mean euclidean distance of the points from one given point (say the origin). Now I wish to find the mean Euclidean distance of the N points from another given point. How can i do this without knowing the values of the N points and only knowing the 2 origin points and the mean distance from one of the origin points ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
LCD 2007-04-29
Jackson pose la question :
I am having trouble getting the LCD for the following question. 1 3/8 x 8/9=
Penny Nom and Melanie Tyrer lui répond.
Simplifying a rational expression 2007-04-29
Tamika pose la question :
X^2 + 10X + 24
X + 6

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Two equations 2007-04-29
lavon pose la question :
I'm having trouble figuring out a linear equation, can you help?

- 3x + 2y = 8
3x + 2y = 8

Penny Nom lui répond.
Maximum area 2007-04-29
fee pose la question :
Given a perimeter of 24cm, calculate the maximum area using quadratics.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Finding out if two line equations are parallel or perpendicular 2007-04-28
Vincent pose la question :
Can you determine if the two lines are parallel, perpendicular, or neither 1/2x+4y=3/5 y/1 + 10/5= 8x I think there perpendicular but how would you solve the equations
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Incremental standard deviation 2007-04-28
Murtaza pose la question :
Hi In relation my question asked earlier, i would first like to thank you for the prompt reply. But it has not answered my query yet. Let me frame the problem again. I have a mean value for N data items. (note that i know N but i donot know the distinct N data item values) Now the (N+1)th data item comes in and i calculate the new mean. (incremental method for that is simple). How do i calculate the new standard deviation. The formula you gave me requires me to read the data items once and at the end of the pass i will have have the standard deviation. But i need the STDDEV values at intermediate stages as well. Is it possible ? Murtaza
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a pyramid 2007-04-28
Alexander pose la question :
Total area of the plate required to fabricate a vessel(pyramid) the base is 0.6mx0.6m and height of 1.0m.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The grade of a shoulder 2007-04-28
Robert pose la question :
I am building a road with a 1.2 meter shoulder. The plan calls fo a 6% shoulder grade. When I use my metric calculator I come up with a different answer when I multiply 3/4 of an inch by 1.2 meters and when I multiply 1.2 meters by .06%?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A line parallel to a given line 2007-04-28
vince pose la question :
write an equation of the line satisfying the given conditions Through (2,-3) parallel to 2x=3y+5 and graph both equations
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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