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An irregular tetrahedron 2007-05-06
Carrie pose la question :
Assume a tetrahedron (not regular) with vertices A, B, C, O, in which vertex A is at (0,0,0) in Cartesian space, line-segment AB is the x-axis, and face ABC defines the x-y plane (but no edge is parallel to the y-axis). Assuming that the xyz coordinates of O are all positive, and given the lengths of all of the line-segments (AB, BC, AC, AO, BO, CO), but none of the angles, what is the formula for calculating the xyz coordinates of O?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Evaluating sine and cosine 2007-05-06
Selimovic pose la question :
How can i solve sine or cosine for angle of, lets say 10°....Maybe it's easy but i don't know how...
Penny Nom lui répond.
Optimization - carrying a pipe 2007-05-05
A student pose la question :
A steel pipe is taken to a 9ft wide corridor. At the end of the corridor there is a 90° turn, to a 6ft wide corridor. How long is the longest pipe than can be turned in this corner?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The sum of the ages of petra and her mother is 51 2007-05-05
Natakie pose la question :
the sum of the ages of petra and her mother is 51. Her mother is 12 years more than twice as old as petra. how old are petra and her mother.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A pyramid with 15 faces 2007-05-05
Nick pose la question :
A pyramid has 15 faces. What shape is its base and how many edges does it have?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A speaker box 2007-05-05
darell pose la question :
I am trying to build a speaker box, and i am trying to find out the measurements of a 1.5cubic feet box.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Lottery numbers 2007-05-04
Trish pose la question :
What are all the six digit combinations between 1 & 36
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Finding the area of a regular polygon 2007-05-04
Dana pose la question :
We are trying to figure the square footage of a tetradecagon....sort of a round house with 14 sides that are 8 ft' in length. It has a height of 9 ft. How do we figure the square footage of this?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A point inside a circle 2007-05-04
edgemitter pose la question :
There is a point inside a circle (but not in its center) where two perpendicular secants intersect, dividing the circle into four regions with different area. Calculate the area of the four regions
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Hypotenuse 2007-05-03
ashley pose la question :
how do you find the hypotenuse
Penny Nom lui répond.
Square footage of a lot 2007-05-03
Linda pose la question :
I have two lots which I am trying to calcuate the square footage of

one lot is 50 x 285.72 x 50 x 270

2nd lot is 50 x 285.72 x 50 x 277.61

Any help would be appreciated. The answers would be GREATLY appreciated.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Comparing two pay scales 2007-05-03
san pose la question :
Mable is offered a job selling magazine subscriptions. She has the choice of two pay scales. Pay scale 1:
She can be paid $0.65 for each subscription she sells.
Pay scale 2:
She can be paid $0.10 for the first subscription, with the wage gong up $0.05 more for each subscription after the first.
For her first sale she would make $0.10, for her second sale she would make $0.15, for her third sale she would make $0.20, and so on.
Please compare and analyze the two scales. Which scale is better?

Penny Nom lui répond.
A commutative subgroup 2007-05-03
moulipriya pose la question :
If H be a commutative subgroup of a group G. Then can we say that G is also commutative?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Edging surrounding a round pool 2007-05-03
Carol pose la question :
Hello, I am new at this and very rusty on my math. I am getting a 24 Ft. round pool and would like to put 2ft width stone (small) edging around it. How much would I need to buy. I have to buy it by the yard (cubic yard) I am not looking for an exact, just an approx. even would be great. Thanks Carol
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Reverse Calculation of GST and PST in Quebec 2007-05-03
Derek pose la question :
Could you please tell me how to figure out the PST and GST paid on an item. Example: I paid $10 total (including taxes) and the GST is 6% and the PST is 7.5%, HOWEVER, in Quebec, we pay the PST on the sub-total+GST. Thanks, Derek
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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