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Converting speeds 2007-05-10
jason pose la question :
A boy runs 36 metres in 6.50 seconds.How fast is he going in miles per hour
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Converting mass and volume of water 2007-05-10
Shian pose la question :
Hello please help, I just can't seem to get the convertion thing and my mom tried to help but I still don't get it. How many grams does 1 milliliter of water weight? I was told 1g. How many grams does 0.1 liter of water weight? I was told 0.1g. Can you tell me if the answers given are correct with an explaination that I can understand? Thank you.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Algebra problem 2007-05-10
Sam pose la question :
What is the proper answer for this equation?
3x - 2 ( 5y (4x +2))

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Angle of Elevation 2007-05-10
Micky pose la question :
Two Buildings are on opposite sides of a street 40 feet wide. The taller of the two buildings is 580 feet tall. The angle of depression from the top of the tallest building to the shorter building across the street is 57 degrees. Find the height of the shorter building.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Pre-algebra volume of a prism 2007-05-10
Brenda pose la question :
Find the volume of a triangular prism with a base of 5 cm by 5 cm and a height of 12.5 cm. Round to the nearest tenth.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A ton of sawdust 2007-05-10
David pose la question :
I am trying to do a conversion. A tractor trailer is loaded with 165 cubic yards of sawdust (I do not know the actual weight). I knw the wholesale cost as $1,000 for this amount, but would like to convert this to find out what the equivalent cost for a metric ton would be.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
How many faces on a prism? 2007-05-10
Samad pose la question :
How many faces does a rectangular prism have?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Understanding log equations 2007-05-10
Sean pose la question :
The number, N, of people who have heard a rumor spread by mass media at time, t, in days is modelled by N (t) = a / 1+ be^ -kt. If 50 people have heard the rumour initially and 300,000 people hear the rumour eventually, find a and b. If the rumour is initially spreading at the rate of 500 people per day, find k.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Ordered pairs 2007-05-09
chasity pose la question :
a teacher wishes to schedule a quiz during part of a two-hour class. the equation 1+e=120 can be used to find the available lecture time "1" given that "e" minutes are planned for the quiz. determine the ordered pairs that satisfy the equation if the domain is {20,30,45,60}
Penny Nom lui répond.
Interest Rates 2007-05-09
Julia pose la question :
Using the formula I=PRT to figure out the missing variable.
P=$9530, T=7 months, A= $9919.14

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
What number am I? 2007-05-09
austin pose la question :
i am a positive integer if im squared -5 is added to me. -10 is subtracted from me, and the remainder is divided by 2 the result is 7. what integer am i
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Area of a pentagonal lot 2007-05-09
Mimi pose la question :
I would like to know the square footage of a pentagon with the following measurements: Property is .43 of an Acre Front: 57.11' NW: 105.78' S: 120' SE: 145' E: 102.86' I don't want you to try to show me how to work thru the problem since I will never comprehend it. For some reason, I am unable to perform these kinds of equations. I will greatly appreciate your help.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Area of irregular surfaces 2007-05-09
Dustan pose la question :
I am working on a way to compute very accurate areas for irregular surfaces by using the idea of a largest possible circle...
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Find the real solutions in this trig equation 2007-05-09
tony pose la question :
list all real solutions of the equation that are in the interval [0,2π)
2cos(x) + tan(x) = sec(x)

Penny Nom and Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Cubic feet of sand 2007-05-09
Paul pose la question :
I have an above ground pool that is 585 sq feet. I want to cover the bottom in 3 inches of sand. The sand supplier says I need about 6 cubic yards, based on your prior answers on this subject. I come up with 1.8 yards. What is the correct amount?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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