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Hexagonal pyramids 2007-05-17
Tracey pose la question :
How many faces, edges, and vertices does a hexagonal pyramid have?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Percent difference 2007-05-17
Carolyn pose la question :
What is the % difference between these two numbers 211373 & 185420
Gabriel Potter, Penny Nom and Steve La Rocque lui répond.
Altitudes of scalene triangles 2007-05-17
Chris pose la question :
Two of the altitudes of a scalene triangle ABC have length 4 and 12. If the length of the third altitude is also an integer, what is the biggest that it can be?
J. Chris Fisher lui répond.
Cost of replacing a driveway 2007-05-17
Chris pose la question :
A homeowner needs to replace a driveay which is 12 feet wide and 90 feet long. The old driveway needs to be dug out. It is 9 inches deep. It costs $35 per cubic yard to remove the old driveway and $75 per cubic yard to lay the new one. What will be the cost of the complete job?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Parabolas 2007-05-16
Andy pose la question :
How do you write an equation of a parabola that opens to the left with a vertex of (2,-6)?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Comparing the areas of various shapes 2007-05-16
Kathy pose la question :
If the perimeters are the same, which has the greater area, a circle, a square, an ellipse, or an octagon?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
All the possible 8 digit combinations of 0-9 2007-05-16
Christofer pose la question :
What are all the possible 8 digit combinations of 0-9? List please I know that there are 43046721 combinations but I want to know what they are.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Buying topsoil 2007-05-16
Claudia pose la question :
I am trying to figure out if it is cheaper to buy topsoil by the bag (one 40lbs bag for $1.66) or having it delivered for $60 for 4 cubic yards.
Penny Nom lui répond.
4 digit lock 2007-05-16
Kathy pose la question :
Hi, My name is Kathy and I'm a REALTOR, I have 2 different lockboxes that I cannot remember the combinations for, so what I need is all the different combinations for 4 digits that cannot be the same, i.e. 0123. Can you help me out? I would hate to throw them away as they cost about $30 each. Thank you, Kathy
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
What's a vertex? What's an edge? 2007-05-16
Sophie pose la question :
I don't understand what is a vertex and what is an edge. Please put a picture up and explain. I am a fifth grader.
Brennan Yaremko and Steve La Rocque lui répond.
Using BEDMAS 2007-05-16
Dishant pose la question :
I know BEDMAS but im very cofused with this question. The question is 3-2(5x2)x2+7. Can you please help me?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Je veux convertir le m3 en kg 2007-05-14
Abdellah pose la question :
je veux convertir le m3 en kg
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Volume of a wedge 2007-05-14
Mark pose la question :
We need to fill in dirt along a 75 foot long fence, 3 feet out , statring at 6 inches agaisnt the fence, sloping to 2 inches at the grass. I am trying to calculate the volume to order enough cubic yards of dirt to fill this.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Maximizing the volume of a cone given the slant length 2007-05-14
Christina pose la question :
A coffee filter for a new coffee maker is to be designed using a conical filter. The filter is to be made from a circle of radius 10cm with a sector cut from it such that the volume of coffee held in the filter is maximised. Determine the dimensions of the filter such that the volume is maximised.
Stephen La Rocque and Kerstin Voigt lui répond.
Weight per area conversions 2007-05-13
Dermot pose la question :
A lawn weedkiller to be spread at the rate of 35g per Sq meter. My new spreader is calibrated in lbs per 1000 sq ft !!!!
Penny Nom and Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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