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Mulch price comparison (price per cubic yard versus price per cubic foot) 2007-05-23
Dianna pose la question :
This is a 2-fold question. I am getting some mulch that is measured in 1 cubic yard for $25.00. Walmart has a 2 cubic bag for $3.00. I need to cover a 376 sq ft area. I need to know which is the best deal and how much I need to buy to cover the 376 sq ft.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
How many tons of dirt is this? 2007-05-23
Deb pose la question :
I need to know how many tons of dirt(6 inches deep)would it take to cover 8 acres?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Factoring a trinomial in two variables 2007-05-23
Ema pose la question :
How do you factor this completely. x^5y^3-3x^4y^2-28x^3y
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Algebra (Solve for B) 2007-05-23
Mark pose la question :
A = .250 * (B^2*SIN(C)) / (D*COS^2(E)). I need to solve for B.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Probability that a restaurant will succeed 2007-05-23
Cookie pose la question :
You wish to open a new restaurant and are considering locations in Toronto and Hamilton, but only one location will actually become available. If it is built in Toronto, the restaurant stands an 80% chance of successfully surviving its first year. However, if it is built in Hamilton, its chance of survival falls to 65%. It is estimated that the chance of Hamilton being available is 60% and Toronto being available is 40%. Find the probability that the restaurant will :
a) survive its first year
b) be built in Toronto and survive its first year
c) be built in Hamilton, given that it survived its first year
d) not survive its first year, given that it is built in Toronto Thanks

Penny Nom lui répond.
Positive rational numbers 2007-05-22
Rebecca pose la question :
What is the definition of positive rationals/positive rational numbers?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Combien vais je avoir de surface ? 2007-05-22
Maëlle pose la question :
J'ai 5m3 de terre et veux en mettre 5 cm partout pour faire un terrain de jeux. Combien vais je avoir de surface ?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Prime numbers and square numbers 2007-05-22
Naseer pose la question :
I read somewhere that prime number can be a factor of square only if it occurs at least twice in its square please explian this with examples.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Using a stem and leaf plot 2007-05-22
Maegan pose la question :
The students in Mr.Smiths PE class collected data on the number of sit ups the students were able to do in three minutes. Use the data to create a stem and leaf plot. What is the median for the class data? range? mode?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Specific combinations 2007-05-22
Gerald pose la question :
  1. I have a group of 7 men and 4 women. How many groups can be formed in which I would have: a) 3 men and 2 women and b) 5 people in which at least 3 among them would be men.
  2. I have a bag containing 7 black marbles and 5 white marbles. How many combinations of 5 marbles of which 3 are black and two are white are possible?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Relative sizes of circles 2007-05-22
Griselda pose la question :
There are 4 small circles inscribed in a bigger circle. The larger circle has a radius of 10 cm. Find the radius of the largest circle which will fit in the middle.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Lot acreage 2007-05-21
Sherri pose la question :
I have a lot that is 2565 x 1056 x 2636 x 285 that is roughly in the shape of a triangle, with the small strip on the top of the triangle, that I would like to figure the sq. footage for. Could I draw a line from one corner on the top to the opposite corner on the bottom and get the area of those two triangles, then add that together to come up with the sq. ft.?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Converting yogurt 2007-05-21
Annie pose la question :
I'm trying to follow a diet plan. The diet says I should have a 125ml tub of natural low fat bio yogurt. The only problem is, the yogurt pot lists its weight as 150g (with a large 'e' after it). Can you tell me how much of the yogurt pot I'm suppost to have please, or give me a conversion chart to change from g to ml for natural bio yogurt?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Converting mass of sand to volume (a sand ceremony) 2007-05-21
Linda pose la question :
I'm getting married. We are having a sand ceremony. The empty bottle we are using holds 800ml. I have bags of colored sand. Each bag is 30g. There is 7 people participating in this ceremony. What I need to find out is how many grams of sand i need for 7 people to participate to fill this jar.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Finding the equation given three roots 2007-05-21
Aydee pose la question :
1. find the equation for the roots given: 7,-5,2
2. find the equation for the roots given: -5,2+sqrt3,2-sqrt3

Penny Nom and Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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