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Limits as x approaches a constant 2007-06-25
Mac pose la question :
can you please tell me what is the reason they say "denominator is a negative quantity" in the solution 11 and "denominator is a positive quantity" solution 10 ??
If i guess correctly, for solution 10, its because of x^2 in the denominator.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Selling price and revenue 2007-06-24
nick pose la question :
hello, this is my first time asking for help from this website in which by the way, i think is great for everyone. My question is as follows... the relationship between the selling price of a sleeping bag, s dollars, and the revenue at that selling price, r(s) dollars is represented by the function: r(s)= -10s^2+1500s
evaluate, interpret, and compare: a) r(29.95)

Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
A cubic yard of gravel 2007-06-24
Duncan pose la question :
I'm trying to figure out how much area 1 cubic yard of gravel would cover at a depth of 2 inches? I've asked around and have many different answers.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Volume in a triangular water trough 2007-06-24
David pose la question :
A water trough has sloping sides of length 500mm making it triangular in cross section, with vertical ends. The width at the top is 600mm and the length is 2.0 metres.
(i) Calculate the capacity of the trough, giving your answer accurate to the nearest litre.
(ii) Find out the depth of the water when the trough is half full.

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The volume of a cube 2007-06-23
Leah pose la question :
I am having trouble finding the equation for this problem.: What is the volume of a cube with diagonals of length 6 sqrt(3) cm? answer: (BLANK) cm3
Penny Nom lui répond.
The substitution method 2007-06-23
mary pose la question :
solve the system by the method of substitution: -5x+2y=-15 4x-y=9
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Exponential form: x^y 2007-06-22
Kishor pose la question :
whats the easy way to calculate X raised to Y where y is much greater than x.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Average speeds 2007-06-22
Dee pose la question :
A guy goes 3.1m a second for 29 seconds in a golf cart. He then walks 1.5 meters a second. How long does he have to walk to get the average speed of 2.1m a second?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Volume of a box 2007-06-22
ashley pose la question :
A storage bin is 18 ft long, 6 ft wide and 3 ft high. What is its volume in cubic feet?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Simplify 2007-06-21
A student pose la question :
what is the answer of 3y+5/2(4y+1)+5y/2
Penny Nom lui répond.
All 4 digit combinations for numbers 0 through 9 2007-06-21
Jessica pose la question :
How can I find all 4 digit combinations for numbers 0 through 9?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Rewrite 2x+4y+2=3y+5 in general form 2007-06-21
dawn pose la question :
how do you rewrite 2x+4y+2=3y+5 in general form?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
(2x + 3y)^2 = 0 2007-06-21
Jon pose la question :
how do i solve for x and y if (2x+3y)²=0?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The sum of angles in a square is three hundred and sixty degrees 2007-06-21
victor pose la question :
can you please send to me a formalize proof for the assertion that, the sum of angles in a square is three hundred and sixty degrees. i will be grateful to hear from you
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Simultaneous equations : the Elimination method 2007-06-21
Patricia pose la question :
I need to find the value of X and Y using the Elimination method.

5/x + 3/y=4

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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