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A combination lock 2020-09-29
Rourke pose la question :
how many possible combinations are there in a 4 digit lock with 6 numbers which can repeat themselves.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Factoring an interest formula 2020-09-29
Kenneth pose la question :

P + Pr has a common factor of P so it can be expressed as P(1 + r) after the P is factored out.. How does the "P" get in front of (1 + r)?

P/P + Pr/P = 1 + r What step is used to show that P is added in front of (1 + r)?

I thank you for your reply.

Harley Weston lui répond.
Is -1 an odd integer? 2020-09-27
Nicole pose la question :
is -1 an odd integer?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The height of a tree 2020-09-27
Kerissa pose la question :
A man height 1.2 m standing on top of a building 34.6m high views a tree some distance away he observes that the angle of depression of the base of the tree is 35 and the angle of depression of the top of the tree is 29, assuming that the tree stands of level ground. Determine the height of the tree.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A Parabolic Arch 2020-09-21
Malen pose la question :
A hotel entrance makes a parabolic arch that can be represented by the quadratic function, y= -x^2-8x+24, where y is the height of the arch and x is the distance from wall to wall in the feet. What is the distance between the two walls of the arch.
Harley Weston lui répond.
my prcentage of years on earth is 2020-09-21
Bill pose la question :
This Tuesday is my birthday and I will be 69. and I just wanted to know life ear is say earth is 6 billion years old I'm just curious to what percentage does my existence on earth reptresent I do realize that it's a flash in the pan
Penny Nom lui répond.
A problem involving distance, time, and rate. 2020-09-15
Ruby pose la question :
Amy drove on the highways at 70 miles/hour to pick up fruits from her grandma’s garden in the morning.
She stayed there for two hours. When coming back in the afternoon, she drove on the local roads at 40 miles per hour to avoid traffic.
She spent a total of 8 hours for this trip, and drove a total 300 miles.
How many miles did she drive each way?

Penny Nom lui répond.
The surface area of a dome 2020-09-13
Sue pose la question :
i need to know the outside square footage of a dome house 24ft across at the bottom and 16ft high so i know how much paint it will take to cover it.
Harley Weston lui répond.
9 games with 3 possible outcomes 2020-09-13
Daniel pose la question :
I’d like to know how many different outcomes would be in a Soccer week played if there is 9 different games 2 teams and 3 outcomes Win, tie or lose

Thank you

Penny Nom lui répond.
Simultaneous equations 2020-09-05
Paa pose la question :
find the value of each letter

Penny Nom lui répond.
Slope 2020-09-04
Mark pose la question :
I'm trying to calculate slope over 157'.I have a drop of 9 1/8 inches. What fraction of an inch of fall do I have every 10 feet
Penny Nom lui répond.
The angular speed of a wheel 2020-09-03
Catrina pose la question :
A car is moving at a rate of 75 miles per hour, and the diameter of its wheels is 2.6 in. Find the angular speed of the wheels in radians per minute.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Bearings 2020-08-30
Tom pose la question :
A boy walks 5km due North and then 4km due East
I. Find the bearing of his current position from his starting point
II. How far is the boy now from the starting point

Penny Nom lui répond.
4 digits to unlock a padlock 2020-08-28
Sophie pose la question :
I have forgotten the order in what the numbers go for my padlock! The numbers are, 0125, they don't have any repeats like, 0001, 0002. What are all possible the combinations? Help!
Penny Nom lui répond.
Arranging buttons in a row 2020-08-24
Nick pose la question :
A sequence of 10 buttons can be arranged in a line. The buttons are identical except for colour, with each button being either red, blue or green.

Arranging buttons in a row How many sequences can be made where there are exactly 2 red buttons as part of the sequence of 10 buttons?

How many sequences can be made where there are exactly 4 red buttons as part of the sequence of 10 buttons?

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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