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Exponential form 2007-09-12
Ericha pose la question :
How do I express 1,679,616 in exponential form as a power of 6 using a calculator?
Stepehe La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
How many miles per hour was I driving 2007-09-11
Gary pose la question :
How many miles per hour was I driving to go 37 miles in 13 minutes
Victoria West lui répond.
The circumference of a circle 2007-09-11
annette pose la question :
circumference of a 3.75 ft circle I have not done this in years and forgot how.
Stephen la Rocque and Victoria West lui répond.
A cube in a sphere 2007-09-11
Justin pose la question :
What percent of the volume of a cube is occupied by the largest possible sphere centered in that cube?
Stephen la Rocque lui répond.
How much space we are talking about when they say 500 cf? 2007-09-11
Rhonda pose la question :
I was informed while planning a move that the moving company will allow 500 cubic feet of moving space. Anything over that is $5.99 per cf. How do I find out exactly how much space we are talking about when they say 500 cf ?? Thank-you in advance for the advice.
Stephen la Rocque lui répond.
The perimeter of a semi-circle 2007-09-11
Confused pose la question :
What is the formula for the perimeter of a semi-circle? Can you please help me out!!! I need this answer by tomorrow.
Stephen la Rocque lui répond.
What are the next two terms? 2007-09-11
Sassy pose la question :
I can't figure out what the next two integers in this pattern are 3,9,6,12,9 are.
Stephen la Rocque lui répond.
Find the area between (-4,0) (2,0) (2,6) 2007-09-11
sabrina pose la question :
Find the area between (-4,0) (2,0) (2,6)
Penny Nom lui répond.
The factors of 35 2007-09-11
johh pose la question :
wats the factors for 35
Penny Nom lui répond.
x = y^2 and x = -4 y^2 2007-09-11
Jil pose la question :
My question is when dealing with parabolas, x=y^2, so that they are sifted on their side you could say, what will happen to the graph if you change it to x=-4y^2. I understand that the - flips the graph in the other direction but can you simply just plug in numbers and increase the stretch of the y?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What was the water level in the cylinder? 2007-09-11
glen pose la question :
After a 5.63-g sample of Wood's metal has been added to the water in a 10-mL graduated cylinder, the new water level is 8.7mL. What was the water level in the cylinder before the sample was added?
Stephen la Rocque lui répond.
A rectangle inscribed in a circle 2007-09-11
Sobeida pose la question :
A rectangle that is x feet wide is inscribed in a circle of radius 8 feet. What is the area of the rectangle as a function of x. Thanks!
Stephen la Rocque lui répond.
How many vertices are there? 2007-09-10
Makayla pose la question :
I've just started the 4th grade and I am having trouble with a question on my homework. The questions is: Carrie is arranging sticks to make shapes. she has made a closed figure, with 10 sides How many vertices are there? I believe the answer is ten but I'm not sure.
Stephen La Rocque and Walter Whiteley lui répond.
A sequence of fractions 2007-09-10
mitch pose la question :
find an expression for T(n), the nth term of the sequence
1/5, 3/8, 5/13, 7/20, 9/29

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Yards by yards to square metres 2007-09-10
Julie pose la question :
I need a formula to translate linear yards so 36" by 54" to square meters. So first I need to square the yard and translate it to square meters.
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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