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Finding radius given chord length and distance to center 2007-10-04
Venus pose la question :
a chord of 48mm long is 7mm from the center of the circle. What is the radius of the circle?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Arc lengths, central angles and radii 2007-10-04
Ashutosh pose la question :
Jose can remember that the length of an arc is 440cm, but he cannot remember the radius of the arc or the angle at the center. He does know that the angle was a whole number of degrees and the radius was less than 100cm. Find three possible angles and write down the size of each of the possible radii.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Sum and difference of two mystery numbers 2007-10-04
Donna pose la question :
The sum of two numbers is 39. The difference is 11. What are the numbers?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Yards to feet 2007-10-04
Celina pose la question :
A football field is 100 yards how many ft is it?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Finding the last non-zero digits of large factorials 2007-10-04
Mukesh pose la question :
i have to find last five non zero digits of integer which can be very large ( upto 10^12) . i can find last non zero digit of of any factorial. Now my problem is that i have to find last five non zero digit of factorial and also i want to general method for last K non zero digits of factorial n. For example 10!=3628800 so last non zero digit is 8 ,last two non zero digit is 88 .....and last five non zero digit is 36288.
Victoria West lui répond.
Rolling a die repeatedly (you can't just add percentages) 2007-10-04
Howard pose la question :
If my son has a 16.66% chance of rolling a particular number on a dice, and he rolls for it 6 times, he knows (from experience) that his odds of getting at least 1 right are not 100% (16.66% +16.66%+16.66% etc). He asked me if there was an equation that would give him the correct percentage chance of success when trying X times for a Y% chance of something.
Victoria West lui répond.
How many sq yards did i use? 2007-10-03
Rose pose la question :
i used 12 x 19 of carpet. how many sq yards did i use? What is the formula for this?
Victoria West lui répond.
les données sont inconsistantes 2007-10-03
Mikee pose la question :
Bonjour, Je me casse la tete depuis ce matin et la je donne ma langue au chat. Je n'arrive pas a resoudre ce probleme. J'ai 30 agents qui appellent dans la journee et realisent 322 questionnaires (long+court) telephonique avec une duree moyenne de conversation 294 secondes. dans ces 322 qestionnaires : -ils realisent 313 questionnaires Long avec une duree moyenne de 317 secondes. -ils realisent 9 questionnaires Court avec une duree moyenne X. je cherche X.

((Interviews réalisées*Durée moyenne de conversation)-(Interviews réalisées avec la question Q2*Durée moyenne de conversation avec la question Q2))/(Interviews réalisées-Interviews réalisées avec question Q2)=Durée moyenne de conversation sans la question Q2

Q2=questionnaire Long

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Hitting golf balls 2007-10-03
Jessi pose la question :
Ben is out at the practice range hitting golf balls. How much further will a golf ball with an initial speed of 75.0 m/s go when projected at 45.0 degree than when projected at 30.0 degree?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Will the stone catch up the parachute? 2007-10-03
anoi90 pose la question :
a small parachute dropped from a 30.0 m high cliff falls with a constant velocity of 1.20 m/s. 20.0 s after the parachute is dropped, a stone is dropped from a cliff. Will the stone catch up the parachute before it reaches the ground? (Include numerical proof!)
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Gas and oil at a 50:1 ratio 2007-10-03
Cindy pose la question :
How much gas and oil do you put in a 1.7 litre jug at a 50:1 ratio?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
What is the total surface area of a cylinder? 2007-10-03
MATT pose la question :
what is the total surface area of a cylinder with outside diameter 40 cm. thickness 10cm. and length 2m. Work in cm^2
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Square feet in 1/2 an acre 2007-10-03
Audrey pose la question :
How many feet would be in a 1/2 acre of land.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A sheet of corrugated iron 2007-10-03
Ashutosh pose la question :
A sheet of corrugated iron has corrugations based on the arc of a circle of radius of 3 cm and a central angle of 180 degrees. How many corrugations are formed when a flat sheet of steel 1 metre wide is bent to form a sheet of corrugated iron?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Equivalent fractions 2007-10-03
kiki pose la question :
I want to know how to this equivalent decimal for 6.0250.
Stephen la Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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