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The rate of change of the concentration of a solution 2007-10-30
Nicholas pose la question :
A barrel initially has two kg of salt dissolved in twenty liters of water. If water flows in the rate of 0.4 liters per minute and the well-mixed salt water solution flow out at the same rate, how much salt is present after 8 minutes? I tried working backwards given the answer but I can't seen to get their answer of ~1.7kg. Any help would be great! Thanks
Harley Weston lui répond.
Dividing a segment into 3 congruent parts 2007-10-30
Carolyn pose la question :
I am doing construction. I have a line segment drawn. I need to divide a segment into 3 congruent part. How do I do that?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Compatible numbers 2007-10-30
Gary pose la question :
How do I estimate the quotient. and then tell what compatible numbers were used. 703/7
Penny Nom lui répond.
An irrational number 2007-10-29
Clara pose la question :
Find an irrational number between 0.53 (with 53 as repeating) and 0.54 (with 54 repeating)

I changed each to 53/99 and 54/99 with 1/99 being the difference.

Please help me.

Stephen La Rocque, Penny Nom and Harley Weston lui répond.
The sum of the ones 2007-10-29
Hangsun pose la question :
When 2 two digit numbers are added what is the greatest possible sum of the ones?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Constantly accelerated motion 2007-10-29
Priyanka pose la question :
A, B and C are three points lying in that order on a straight line. A body is projected from B towards A with speed 3 m/s. The body experiences an acceleration of 1 m/s^2 towards C. If BC =20 m, find the time taken to reach C and the distance travelled by the body from the moment of projection until it reaches C.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Variation 2007-10-29
deeqa pose la question :
1. A car traveled 175mi at a certain speed. If the speed had been 20mph faster, the trip could have been made in 1hr less time. Find the speed

2. The average weekly allowance A of children varies directly as their grade level, G. If the average allowance of an 8th-grade student is $8.56 per week, what is the average weekly allowance of a 5th-grade

The time T required to do a job varies inversely as the number of people P working. It takes 2hr for 4 working. It takes 2 hrs for 4 volunteers to distribute flyers to a neighborhood. How long would it take 12 volunteers to complete the job?

Penny Nom lui répond.
The height of an isoceles triangle 2007-10-29
Maura pose la question :
I am trying to calculate the height of an isoceles triangle but in this case AB is not equal to AC. How do I calculate this? Thank you, Maura age 13
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The length of the side of a triangle 2007-10-28
devon pose la question :
hay ok i have the height of a triangle but how do i find the length od the side if all of the sides are the same length
Penny Nom lui répond.
Area of a garden 2007-10-28
Megan pose la question :
My dad and I are working on a math problem and we have to find an equation to represent the area of the garden. The garden is a 45 by 45 garden. One side of the garden butts up against the house.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Combinations and horse races 2007-10-28
Ian pose la question :
How do I calculate the number of combinations for: Horse races,1 horse in each race.I want all combinations covered. e.g.5 races, 1 horse in each race. R 1&2, R 1&3,R 1&4, R 2,3,4,5, R 1,2,3,4,5 etc etc.I have worked it out manually to 27 combinations but if I want to cover more than 5 it will be a big excercise to work out the cost manually. Many Thanks
Victoria West lui répond.
A line between 2 vertices 2007-10-28
robert pose la question :
what do we call a line between 2 vertices which are not next to each other
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Board feet 2007-10-28
Carolyn pose la question :
Lumber is measured iin board feet, where a board foot in volume of a piece of lumber one ft sq and one inch thick. How many board feet are in a two by four inch that is 10 feet long?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
For which values of k will k/240 be a terminating decimal? 2007-10-28
Clara pose la question :
For which values of k will k/240 be a terminating decimal?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A car traveled 175m at certain speed 2007-10-28
abdi pose la question :
A car traveled 175m at certain speed. if the speed had been 20 mph faster, the trip could have been made in 1 hr less time. find the speed?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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