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Cubic centimeters to cubic yards 2007-11-10
Logan pose la question :
if i have 188.4cm^3 of concrete how do i change it into cubic yards?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A trig identity 2007-11-10
James pose la question :
I need to prove trig identities, and I can't figure this one out

1 + sinx - cosx         1 - cosx
-------------------- = -------------
1 + sinx + cosx         sinx

Chris Fisher lui répond.
Related Rates (streetlamp and shadow) 2007-11-09
Casey pose la question :
A street light is mounted at the top of a 15ft pole. A man 6ft tall walks away from the pole at a rate of 5ft per second. How fast is the tip of his shadow moving when he is 40ft from the pole?
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
I have 23.50 in quarters and dimes 2007-11-09
hannah pose la question :
i have 23.50 in quarters and dimes. if i have 15 more dimes than two times the amount of quarters i have, how many coins do i have total?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two integrals 2007-11-09
Akilan pose la question :
how to integrate these (tan x)^6(sec x)^4 and sinh(x)(cosh(x))^2.

Please send me how to do this question. Having exams on Monday. Please help.

Harley Weston lui répond.
Increasing and decreasing for functions 2007-11-09
David pose la question :
Direction: Identify the open intervals on which the function is increasing or decreasing.

f'(x)= -2/(x^3)

i understand how to get up until there, and the undf. is x=0, but now i'm having problem setting up the number table chart. i cant remember how, and where to place the increase and decrease + - the chart, for example <---------0----------> where would the increase and the decrease be place?

Harley Weston lui répond.
Meters per second to miles per hour 2007-11-08
Niecey pose la question :
If Greg was timed at 0.91 seconds for 10 meters running the 100 meter dash, at that speed, could he pass a car traveling 15 miles per hour in a school zone?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A rectangular-shaped bedroom 2007-11-08
Svitlana pose la question :
Professor Reissig is doing renovations on one of the rectangular-shaped bedrooms in his house. He is putting up a border around the room. The room’s length is seven feet more than two-thirds of its width. The area of this bedroom is one hundred eighty square feet. If the border costs $1.25 per six inches, what is the minimum cost for the border?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Distributing prize money 2007-11-08
Barbara pose la question :
Question from Barbara, a student: In writing competition, the first place winner receives 1/2 of the prize money. The second runner up receives 1/4 of what the winner won. what was the total amount of prize mone distributed if the winner receives $6,000?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Why is the number 1 neither prime nor composite? 2007-11-08
amarilis pose la question :
why is the number 1 neither prime nor composite?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Changing units and sizes of things 2007-11-08
Carol pose la question :
volume of cube = 216 cubic inches how do I calculate cubic feet and calculate its surface area in square feet. a rectangular box has dimensions of 3 x 6 x 15 how do I calculate surface area in square yards and calculate volume in cubic inches. if I double the dimensions how does it affect the volume
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Simple interest 2007-11-08
Lee pose la question :
If a bank pays 3% simple interest anually on savings, and you did not take any money out of your account, how much money would you have deposited to earn $45 in interest
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Two triangles 2007-11-08
Barbara pose la question :
If the base of a larger triangle is 34 inches long, what is the length of side A of the smaller triangle?

(the small triangle has on top the letter a on the right side of the triangle it has the letter b, and at the bottom of the small triangle it has the number 17)

Penny Nom lui répond.
Related Rates (a water trough) 2007-11-07
Christina pose la question :
A rectangular trough is 3ft long , 2ft across the top and 4 ft deep. If water flows in at the rate of 2ft^3/min, how fast is the surface rising when the water is 1 ft deep ?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
What number am I? 2007-11-07
Orly pose la question :
what number am i? my tens digit is 2 more than my ones digit.I am less than 100.I am greater than 89. please explain to me how. thank you
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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