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12 balls are divided between 2 boys 2007-11-20
anita pose la question :
In how many ways can 12 balls be divided between 2 boys, one receiving 5 and the other 7 balls ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Using the digits 1 to 9 2007-11-20
sunjoo pose la question :
write the least whole number that uses the digits 1 though 9 once each. explain your answer.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Standard deviation 2007-11-20
Shahzada pose la question :
when and why we use standard deviation in Data analysis?
Harley Weston lui répond.
A 5-digit whole number 2007-11-19
sunjoo pose la question :
a friend tells you to think of a 5-digit whole number. then do the following in order : multiply the number by 2. add 200 to the result. divide the result by 2. subtract 100 from the result. what is the greatest number you can get as an answer?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Bundles of wood 2007-11-19
Darcy pose la question :
When you purchase a "bundle" of wood at the store, it is marked .75 cubic feet. What is the formula for figuring out that measurement for cubic feet and what fraction of a true cord of wood (128 cubic feet) is it. I would appreciate the formula so I can build a spreadsheet to help my secretaries and myself be in compliance to the law when selling firewood. Thanks.
Harley Weston lui répond.
The derivative 2007-11-19
ralf pose la question :
Find the derivative of the function
1-. y=1+2x8
2-. y=(1+2x )8

Harley Weston lui répond.
I know it's heavy, but how heavy, per linear foot? 2007-11-19
Gary pose la question :
I am trying to find out the weight of a linear foot of a steel bar with the following measurements.
Thickness - 1.125"
Length - 120"
Height - 18"

Density of carbon steel - .2837
I know it's heavy, but how heavy, per linear foot?

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Confidence level 2007-11-19
Fara pose la question :
It is common for public opinion polls to have a " confidence level" of 95%, meaning that there is a 0.95 probability that the poll results are accurate within the claimed margins of error. If six different organizations conduct independent polls, what is the probability that all six of them are accurate within the claimed margins of error? Does the results suggest that with a confidence level of 95%, we can expect that almost all polls will be within the claimed margin of error?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Cubic feet and gallons 2007-11-19
Leonard pose la question :
Every conversion I find to convert a cubic foot to a gallon is in liquid. Question, how would 1 cubic foot convert to gallons in dry measurement? Example say you have 1 Gallon of packing peanuts how many cubic feet would that be? I can do this and have done it for the heck of it, I took a box 12x12x12 inches, which is a cubic foot, filled it with packing peanuts the tried to fill a 1 Gallon container, that amount almost fills a 1 gallon bucket twice. I even ask a math teacher and was told that 1 cubic foot equaled 7.481 gallons, then I said that is liquid, teacher ansered yes, then i ask what about dry and got a response of I do not know.
Harley Weston lui répond.
La somme de deux fonctions 2007-11-19
maud pose la question :
Consigne : Ecrire la fonction f comme somme de deux fonctions u et v définies sur I. Donner le sens de variation de u et de v sur I. En déduire le sens de variation de la fonction f sur l'intervalle I indiqué. f(x)=-2x+(1sur x) I=]0;+infini[

Correction : Sens de variation de f sur I=]0;+infini[ On a f(x)=u(x) + v(x), avec {u(x) = -2x et v(x) = 1sur x La fonction u est strictement décroissante sur R, donc sur I ( droite avec coefficient directeur -2 négatif). La fonction v qui est la fonction inverse est stricyement décroissante sur [0;+infini[. Donc, la fonction f = u+v est strictement décroissante sur [0;+infini[.

Ma question : Pourquoi la fonction v et la fonction f ne sont pas définies sur le même intervalle que la fonction u c'est-à-dire sur l'intervalle I indiqué ?

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Elimination of mayan prisoners 2007-11-19
Jim pose la question :
An evil Mayan emperor decides to make an example of 1,000 prisoners. He stands them in a circle with numbers one to a thousand marked on their shirts. He then starts counting: "one in, two, in three out" The third man is immediately executed. This continues round and round and round the circle. While the number in the circle shrinks, every third prisoner is pushed out and executed. And it continues even when there are only two prisoners left alive. What number is on the last prisoner's shirt?
Victoria West lui répond.
The game of 24 2007-11-19
M pose la question :
Please help...how would you compute 2,2, 6, and 9 to equal 24?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Exponential Growth 2007-11-19
lisa pose la question :
Hi i am a 8th grader who is learning about algebra and we are having test on exponent and i don't really get it i asked my teacher and she told me i should pay more attention so i want to know what exponential Growth means
Penny Nom lui répond.
Compatible numbers 2007-11-19
Brendan pose la question :
Let's say you have 291/2 and its between 281/2=14 and 301/2=15. My question is where do the 14 and the 15 come from or in other words how do you get those?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The vertex of a cone 2007-11-18
miriam pose la question :
how many verticies does a cone have
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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