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The limit of (e^x-1)^(1/x) as x tends to 0 2018-02-27
ARGHA pose la question :
Find the limit of (e^x-1)^(1/x) as x tends to 0.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A cyclist reduces his speed 2018-02-27
Katherine pose la question :
Suppose the winner had reduced his average cycling rate by .1 mile per hour. By how much would his time have changed?

(the cyclist's rate is 23.66 miles per hour and the answer to the question before this one was that he cycled 2,292 miles in 96.87 hours)

Penny Nom lui répond.
A four digit pass code 2018-02-26
Jessica pose la question :
I was trying to fond out how many combinations could there be for a four digit pass code to a phone when no numbers are repeated?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Billions and trillions 2018-02-25
Sheila pose la question :
How many 50 billion equal 100 Trillion ?
How many 20 billion equal 100 Trillion?
How many 500 million equal 100 Trillion?
How many 50 million equal 100 Trillion?
How many 50 thousand equal 100 Trillion?

Penny Nom lui répond.
$525 is shared among three friends 2018-02-25
Iyanla pose la question :
If $525 is shared among three friends: Paul Katherine and Brandon so that Paul gets $15 less than Brandon and Katherine gets 4 times as much as Paul, how would I solve this equation?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The perimeter of a square 2018-02-25
Alicia pose la question :
What's the perimeter of a square with 441cm square
Penny Nom lui répond.
Multiplies and factors 2018-02-24
Lil pose la question :
Is a multiple the same as a factor?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Dividing a region in half 2018-02-24
mandy pose la question :
There is a line through the origin that divides the region bounded by the parabola y=4x−5x2y=4x−5x2 and the x-axis into two regions with equal area. What is the slope of that line?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The slope of a line 2018-02-22
Steve pose la question :
my current slope is 6%. I want to know how many inches higher I will be at 18' Thanks
Penny Nom lui répond.
2.5 gallons of liquid, one half an inch deep 2018-02-21
Cain pose la question :
How many square feet would 2.5 gallons of liquid cover at half an inch deep?
Penny Nom lui répond.
nC0 + nC1 + nC2 + .... + nCn = 2^n 2018-02-19
bristal pose la question :
(QQ) Prove, nC0 + nC1 + nC2 + .... + nCn = 2^n.
Penny Nom lui répond.
-2 (a + 4) = 18 2018-02-18
rebecca pose la question :
-2 (a + 4) = 18
how do i do this with showing it distributive property ( symbolically)
Thank you!

Penny Nom lui répond.
A footballer angle 2018-02-14
Kim pose la question :
Two goal posts are 8m apart. A footballer is 34m from one post and 38m from the other. Within what angle must he kick the ball if he is to score a goal.
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the speed of the skateboarder? 2018-02-13
Zack pose la question :
It takes a skateboarder 20 minutes to get to school, which is 6 km from home. What is the speed of the skateboarder?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Solar cells 2018-02-12
karla pose la question :
Solar (photovoltaic) cells convert sunlight directly into electricity. If solar cells were 100% efficient, they would generate about 1000 watts of power per square meter of surface area when exposed to direct sunlight. With lower efficiency, they generate proportionally less power. For example, 10% efficient cells generate 100 watts of power in direct sunlight. Suppose you want to supply 22 kilowattss of power to a house by putting solar panels on its roof. For solar cells with the average power of 49 watts per square meter of solar panels, how many square meters of solar panels would you need? Assume you can make use of the average power from the solar cells
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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