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Two problems involving reciprocals 2008-08-10
Dee pose la question :
I have a few questions that im have trouble working out...

1. One number is three times another number; if each is increased by 1 the sum of the reciprocals is 10/21. Find the numbers

2.A tank can be filled by 2 pipes together in 6 hours; if the larger pipe alone takes 5 hours less than the smaller to fill the tank, find the time in which each pipe alone would fill the tank

Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a swimming pool 2008-08-10
Ron pose la question :
What is the volume of a swimming pool when its length is 40 ft, width 20ft, the deep end is 10 ft and the shallow end is 3 ft.?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Solve for y in terms of x 2008-08-10
Rosie pose la question :
Solve equation for y


Penny Nom lui répond.
A linear function 2008-08-07
Warren pose la question :
What are the conditions of the numerical coefficients of the standard form Ax+By=C in Linear Function? How will you transform y=square root of 3 x + 1 in standard form Ax+By=C?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Angles in a regular tetrahedron 2008-08-07
Carla pose la question :
Hi guys, A regular tetrahedron has all its edges 8cm in length. Find the angles which an edge makes with the base. Thanks. Carla
Penny Nom lui répond.
1/X-2 + 3/X+3 = 4/X^2+X-6 2008-08-06
Molly pose la question :
Hi, I'm beginning pre-calc this semester, and for practice over the summer, the teacher has given us a review packet with algebra 2 stuff. Well, I've forgotten most of the fraction stuff on it. Would you please help? Here's the question:

1/X-2 + 3/X+3 = 4/X^2+X-6

Penny Nom lui répond.
Square miles 2008-08-06
Koni pose la question :
I'm trying to figure out the distance our buses travel throughout our district to pick up students for school. How do you figure square miles?

If our district measures 6 1/2 miles wide and 2 3/4 miles deep, what is our total square miles?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Arc-length and sector-angle 2008-08-06
Benson pose la question :
If chord length, radius are given, How to find the sector angle and arc-length
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Cost of pencil is rising every year since 7 years ago 2008-08-06
Mari pose la question :
Cost of pencil is rising every year since 7 years ago. If the cost of pencil last year was 60 cents which is the sum of the cost from the last two previous years, what is the cost of the pencil now, the cost seven years ago.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The angle between two faces of a pyramid 2008-08-06
Carla pose la question :
A pyramid has its vertex directly above the centre of its square base. The edges of the base are each 6cm, and the vertical height is 8cm. Find the angle between 2 adjacent slant faces.
Penny Nom lui répond.
24 in by 14 in by 14 in in cubic feet 2008-08-05
Tom pose la question :
I have a box that has internal dimensions of: 24in. H x 14in. W x 14in. D. How many cubic feet is this internal space?
Penny Nom and Victoria West lui répond.
A cone on the end of a cylider 2008-08-05
Jerry pose la question :
Hi. I need to make a plastic cone to fit on the end of a cylinder. The only dimension i have is the diameter of the cylinder. This 553 mm. I need to find the formulae required and how much material will be required.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Why can't you divide by zero? 2008-08-04
Donna pose la question :
Why can't you divide by zero?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Is zero an even number, an odd number, or neither? 2008-08-04
Donna pose la question :
Is zero an even number, an odd number, or neither? Why?
Victoria West lui répond.
Choosing 5 numbers from 39 2008-08-04
robert pose la question :

I am sending you the web page where I found the question of 39 numbers and = 5 choices, please see below.

How does they comes up with the 120 combinations?

How can I comes up with the 120 combinations in a printout form?

Please read all the way to the bottom of there example and see where they talks about the 120 combinations.

Victoria West and Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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