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An arc and an angle 2008-10-05
Cory pose la question :
I have a chord length of 150'. From the left starting point, I know that 30' right of starting point is 9' in height. This would be the top of the arc.

What is the arc in degrees and can anyone display an image to help me understand?

Penny Nom lui répond.
A product of positive and negative numbers 2008-10-03
kaylou pose la question :
Suppose you were given 13 numbers and asked to find their product. Seven of the numbers were positive, and the rest were negative. Would your product be positive or negative? Why?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The break even point 2008-10-03
dina pose la question :
virgin record company has just signed a new artist to its label. They have pais the new group 25000 dollars to record their album and paid each band member 10000 dollars each. The band is not given a commission on each cd sold or downloaded, therefore, each cd sold is profit earned by virgin. How many cd's would they have to sell to break even if this new band has 5 members? Each cd is sold at the price of 20$.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A different approach to a word problem 2008-10-03
Kenneth pose la question :
Sarah's age is 2/3 of Mary's age and 3/4 of Ruth's age. The sum of their ages is 46 years. How old is each?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Finding the Distance Between Two Latitudes 2008-10-02
Samua pose la question :
Assuming that the Earth is a sphere of radius 4000 miles and that the cities are on the same longitude (one city is due north to the other). Find the distance between the cities with the latitudes of 37 degrees 47'36'' and another city with 47 degrees 37'18''. Heeeeeeeeeeelp!
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Finding the Raw Score for a Mean of 0 and Standard Deviation of 1 2008-10-02
Anita pose la question :
A variable Y has a distribution of mean of Y =80 and standard deviation of Y=36. Find the values of A and B for transforming y*=A +BY so that mean of y* =0 and standard deviation of y*=1.
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
The unusable space in a container 2008-10-02
Billy pose la question :
an object is 42 inches long, 29 inches wide, and 69 inches high. The usable capacity of this container is 36.4 cubic feet. How much space in percentage is left over from the container?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Compatible numbers 2008-10-02
jeff pose la question :
what exactly are compatible numbers, math problem is:
Estimate the total weight of 2 boxes that weigh 9.4 pounds and 62,6 pounds using rounding and compatible numbers. Which estimate is closer to the actual weight and why?

Harley Weston lui répond.
4^x = 2^x + 12 solve for x 2008-10-02
Dave pose la question :
4^x = 2^x + 12 solve for x.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Find an All Odd 4 - Digit Number 2008-10-02
Denise pose la question :
a number has 4 different odd digits. the difference between the greatest digit and the least digit is 6, the number is greater than 2,000 and less than 3,160. what is the number?
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Does an oval have sides? 2008-10-02
reid pose la question :
My 6 yo neice came home with her math homework and she was supposed to identify which objects had sides.One of the objects was an oval.I don't believe it has sides because it is curved and I don't think that would make it an object with sides.What would be the correct answer?Thanks,Reid
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
The length of a tank 2008-10-01
alex pose la question :
I have a tank which I can only partly see. It is 70cms wide, 45 cm deep and hold 500litres. How long is it?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Conversion to cubic feet 2008-10-01
Dorothy pose la question :
What is the cubic feet of an item that is 7"x16 7/8"x19"
Harley Weston lui répond.
Cost before and after the GST 2008-10-01
bruce pose la question :
Hi, i seem confused on this topic:

If i need to add say 10% GST to a cost then i would times it by 1.1.
If i need to reduce the cost by 10% then i need to divide it by 1.1. that is all well and good.

What if i need to add 12%, 18% or 20% what is the formula then?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Working together but one person starts first 2008-09-30
David pose la question :
Della can scrape the barnacles from a 70 ft. yacht in 10 hours using an electric barnacle scraper. Don can do the same job in 15 hours using a manual scraper. If Della started helping Don three hours after Don started scraping, how long will it take to scrape the entire boat?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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