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I have 6 vertices and 10 edges 2008-10-20
Jacquelin pose la question :
I have 6 vertices and 10 edges. One of my faces is a regular polygon.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
How much does Luc pay for his tools?? 2008-10-20
imran pose la question :
Luc makes $1 profit on each tool he sells. Marc makes a $2 profit while paying $5 less for his tools than Luc. Marc thus makes $6 more profit for every $100 invested. How much does Luc pay for his tools??
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a square 2008-10-20
Danny pose la question :
Is it possible to use a circumference measurement to find the area of a square when all 4 corners have a 1.75" radius?
Harley Weston lui répond.
BEDMAS 2008-10-19
Jenna pose la question :
ok my question is
How do u do BEDMAS in the correct order when it's set up in a weird order without getting confused
(18-4)exponent2 divided by 2

Penny Nom lui répond.
A sphere and hexagons 2008-10-19
Angela pose la question :
A sphere is made of 112 hexagons. Each side measures 10 cm. The width of the border between each hexagon is 5 cm. What is the radius of the sphere?
Chris Fisher and Walter Whiteley lui répond.
What is the square of 20? 2008-10-19
john pose la question :
what is the square of 20?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A canal with cross section a semicircle 2008-10-19
Connor pose la question :
a canal with cross section a semicircle is 10m deep at the centre. Find an equation for the semicircle and use it to find the depth 4m from the edge
Penny Nom lui répond.
Prime factorization 2008-10-19
nick pose la question :
while im doing prime factorization for one number and it cant be divided 2,3 or five so what next?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A falling block 2008-10-18
KOBINA pose la question :
A 50 kg block being held at rest 20m above the ground is released. the block falls (no friction). how fast is the block traveling (in m/sec) when it has lost 40% of its original potential energy.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The slope of a tangent line 2008-10-18
Amanda pose la question :
If f(x)=square root of (x+4), and the slope of the tangent line at x=21 was 1/n for some integer n, then what would you expect n to be?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A ratio problem with cookies 2008-10-18
nadha pose la question :
SAMANDHA,AMANDHA AND NICOLE sold some cookies in the ratio 3:4:7 how many more cookies did AMANDA and NICOLE sell than SAMANTHA if NICOLE had sold 91 cookies?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Travelling home o the train 2008-10-18
nadha pose la question :
MELISSA reached the railway station at 9.30am.The distance between the railway station and her hometown was 720 km.At what time would she reach her hometown if the train travelled at an average speed of 120 km/h?
Penny Nom lui répond.
If you are driving 40mph, how long does it take to go 2.5 miles? 2008-10-18
Nathan pose la question :
If you are driving 40mph, how long does it take to go 2.5 miles?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two equations in two unknowns 2008-10-17
Dushayne pose la question :
Please help me in solving this problem:
a. 3x-4y=32

b. 2x+3y=11

Penny Nom lui répond.
A geometric construction 2008-10-17
M pose la question :
Given any 3 parallel lines on a plane, how to construct an equilateral triangle with each vertex on each line?
Chris Fisher lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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